Family Matters: Introducing Parent-Child Hierarchies (3 of 6)


In the first post of this series, I walked through the basic ideas of what constitutes a graph, and in the second post I discussed a particular kind of graph called a directed acyclic graph (DAG), providing a handful of examples from the world of data engineering along with an attempt to disambiguate  –  and expand  – the meaning of what a DAG is. 

To briefly recap the important points discussed in this series so far: 

  • A graph consists of one or more nodes. 
  • Nodes are related to other nodes via one or more edges. 
  • Nodes that that can reach themselves again (in a single direction) indicate the graph has a cycle. 
  • A given edge can be directed or undirected. 
  • Nodes and edges can have attributes, including numerical attributes.
  • Graphs without cycles, with only directed eges, are called directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). 
  • Hierarchies are DAGs in which each node only has a single predecessor node.

In the following post, we’re going to discuss hierarchies in detail. We’ll look at a few examples, discuss additional attributes that emerge from the definition of a hierarchy, and we’ll introduce an initial data model that can accommodate many different types of hierarchies. 


As indicated in the last post and summarized above, a hierarchy is essentially a DAG in which any given node has a single predecessor node (except for the root node, which has no predecessor). Given this constraint, predecessor nodes are most commonly referred to as “parent” nodes (i.e. with the analogy of a parent having one or more children). Successor nodes are thus also usually referred to as “child” nodes. We’ll stick with this convention for the rest of the series, given its wider adoption within BI vernacular.

(Note: despite the ideal case a hierarchy only ever consisting of child nodes with a single parent node, there are real-world edge cases where a given node can potentially have more than one parent node. Such cases are the exceptions, and they need to handled on a case-by-case basis. For our purposes, to manage scope of this overall series of posts, and in light of the expected cardinality of dimensional modeling (i.e. many-to-one from fact table to dimension tables), we’re going to move forward with the expectation that any/all hierarchies should always respect this relationship, i.e. a child node only ever having a single parent node.) 

It’s also worth noting that hierarchies can be considered an instance of a “tree” data structure (a directed rooted tree, more specifically), which is a formally defined data structure from graph theory. While graph theory is rarely invoked in discussions of business intelligence, it is important to note that the tree analogy does indeed carry over, with terms like “root nodes”, “branches” and “leaf nodes” frequently used, which we’ll discuss later. (So just be mindful that you’re likely to run into mixed metaphors when discussing hierarchies.)

So, here’s a basic visualization of a hierarchy: 

Hierarchy example… of alphabet soup

As you can see, it’s still very much a graph (and indeed a DAG) with: 

  • seven nodes 
  • six edges (directed) 
  • no cycles 
  • each node only has a single parent 

So far so good. 

I mentioned earlier that even though hierarchies have more constraints, i.e. they’re more limited in what they can represent compared to generic graphs, they nonetheless yield additional attributes. What do I mean by that? 

Consider the following two points. 

Firstly, because I have: 

  • a single starting point (i.e. the very first parent node), 
  • only directed edges, 
  • no cycles, 

a hierarchy therefore allows me to measure the “distance” of any node in the hierarchy by how many edges away from the starting node (or “root node” as we’ll call it) it is. This measurement is typically referred to as which level a particular node is on (analogous to measuring how high up in a building you are by what level you’re on. And much like the British/American idiosyncracies around which floor constitutes the “first” floor, as well as the differences among programming languages regarding how arrays are indexed, i.e. starting at 0 or 1, you’ll also have to decide whether you index your root node at level 0 or 1. I don’t have a strong opinion and am guilty of having used both for no particular reason. I’ll try my best in these posts to arbitrarily stick with one convention, i.e. identifying the root node at level 1.)

Note that level is a value that can be derived from the data itself, and thus is slightly redundant when persisted as its own column – but such derivation introduces unnecessarily complex logic and performance headaches, and thus benefits from being persisted as part of transformation logic in a data pipeline.

Also note that this level attribute can be considered a node’s “natural” level, but that business requirements may dictate treating a node as though it has a different level. A more detailed discussion on such cases can be found in the 5th post of this series, where unbalanced and ragged hierarchies are addressed.

It’s also worth noting that you can, of course, measure the number of edges between any two nodes in a generic graph, but unlike with hierarchies, there’s not a single value for level per node but rather N-1 such values, i.e. since you can measure the number of edges between a given node and all other nodes in the same graph. Storing such information for all nodes introduce exponential storage requirements, i.e. O(n²), and offers very little technical or business value. Hence level is a fairly meaningless attribute in the context of generic graphs or DAGs.) 

Secondly, because you can now refer to multiple “sibling” nodes under a single parent, you can describe the sort order of each sibling node. In other words, you define a particular sort order for all the related sibling nodes under a particular parent node. (This is another example of an attribute that is meaningful for hierarchies, but really doesn’t make much sense in the context of a generic graph or DAG.) 

A classic example that demonstrates the value of a defined sort order attribute of hierarchy nodes are financial statements. (Just imagine in the following image of all of the lines were presented in a completely random order. It would make no sense at all.)

Part of of a hierarchical P&L structure

Financial reports are a very common use case in the world of BI, and it’s clearly extremely important to ensure that your reports display the various lines of your report in the correct order, defined by the sort order of each node in your financial statement hierarchy.

It’s worth noting that this sort order attribute doesn’t have a canonical name in the world of BI as such. But for a variety of reasons, my preference is “sequence number” (SEQNR as its column name), so we’ll stick with that. (Some data engineers / BI developers might refer to it as “ordinal position”, FYI). 

(Also, for folks new to hierarchies, you might find it a worthwhile exercise to analyse the financial statement structure above as a hierarchy: How many nodes does it have? How many edges? How many levels? How many child nodes per parent? How might you actually model this data in a relational structure? We’ll come back to this in a bit.)

Two more points I’d like to make, as we work towards a generic/reusable data model for hierarchies: 

  • This should be obvious, but there are many different types of hierarchies, such as (in an enterprise context): profit centre hierarchies, cost centre hierarchies, WBS structure hierarchies, cost element hierarchies, financial statement hierarchies, and the list goes on. 
  • A particular hierarchy type might have multiple hierarchy instances. For example, a time dimension is actually a hierarchy, and almost all large enterprises care about tracking metrics along both the calendar year as well as the fiscal year, each of which is its own hierarchy.

And lastly, let me further extend the tree analogy introduced previously:

  • As mentioned, the starting node is referred to as the root node.
  • Any nodes that have parent and child nodes are called intermediate or inner nodes
  • Any nodes that have parent but no child nodes themselves are called leaf nodes

Ok, let’s now look at a basic, generic and reusable data model for storing hierarchies. This is the beginning of the discussion, and not the end, but it gives a strong foundation for how to accommodate many different types and instances of hierarchies.

Rather than write the SQL, I’m just going to provide a poor man’s data dictionary, especially given that your naming conventions (and probably also data types) may well differ. (For a detailed review of SQL that may help you ingest, model and consume hierarchies, see the 6th post in this series.)

Here below is what the example hierarchy above would look like in this model (key fields highlighted):

It’s worth taking a moment to talk through the model and the data a bit. 

  • This model denormalizes three levels of data: hierarchy types, hierarchy instances, and hierarchy nodes, and it also embeds a text description of hierarchy types (instead of a typical key/text pair). This is based on a pragmatic model that has been used successfully at multiple very large enterprises, but it’s worth considering whether your use case warrants a more normalized model. (And in either case, this model excludes separate language-dependent text tables that might be relevant if implementing a data model for a multinational organization, so just keep such tables in mind should you find yourself on such a project.)
  • The primary key is a compound key based on these three levels. It’s worth noting that the CHILD_NODE_ID and HIERARCHY_ID should almost always be populated with generated surrogate keys, at least when data is ingested from multiple source systems. It’s also worth noting that it’s probably better to create a unique constraint against these three fields, and then generate a separate, single surrogate primary key (which will simplify later data modeling discussions). These details are left out from the above model for simplicity & illustration purposes.
  • I’d suggest playing around a bit with some sample data, and sorting by the different columns, to familiarise yourself even more with this data model. For example, you could sort by NODE_TYPE to quickly find all the INNER nodes and LEAF nodes. You could sort by LEVEL and then SEQNR to “read” the hierarchy as you would with its visualised equivalent, i.e. top-to-bottom, left-to-right. 
  • Note that root nodes are defined as those records for which PARENT_NODE_ID is NULL. This is a commonly accepted convention, especially for query languages that can traverse parent-child hierarchies natively (such as MDX, which we’ll come back to), so I’d highly suggest adopting it (especially if you’re modeling in a strictly OLAP context), but there’s clearly no “formal” reason, i.e. from relational theory or anything else, that requires this. 
  • If this were a data model for a generic graph or even a DAG, we would have to include PARENT_NODE_ID as part of the primary key, since a node could have more than one parent. However, since hierarchy nodes only have a single parent node, we don’t need to do this, and in fact, we don’t want to do this (as, from a data quality perspective, it would let us insert records with multiple parent records, which breaks the definition set forth previously for hierarchies, and could lead to incorrect results in our BI queries by inflating metrics when joining hierarchies to fact tables due to M:N join cardinality instead of M:1). 
  • SEQNR values might be a bit confusing at first glance. While every row is populated a value, the values are only meaningful amongst sibling nodes. Also, note that the typical convention for populating SEQNR is to restart its numerical sequence for each set of siblings nodes, and thus values are often duplicated (i.e. re-used / reset for each set of sibling nodes).
    • It’s technically possible to implement a contiguous sequence that spans all records, but that approach is usually avoided as it introduces another (arguably worse) form of confusion: it disregards the recursive relationship that exists between parent/child nodes.
  • It’s also worth noting that in some cases, the only sort order that really matters is the inherent alphanumeric sort order (of the node IDs themselves, or their associated text descriptions), such as with the time dimension (so long as any alphanumeric representation is padded with zeroes so that the string “11” doesn’t appear before “2”, for example. For more on this, see the ISO 8601 standard.) 

Before I forget to mention, you might hear this parent-child structure referred to as an “adjacency list”, which is another term from graph theory. Technically, an adjacency list maps a single node to all of its adjacent nodes within a single record (which could be accomplished by packing all adjacent nodes in an ARRAY or JSON data type). In practice though, folks often refer to the parent/child data model above as an adjacency list, even though each child node gets its own row. So just keep that in mind in case you hear folks use the term “adjacency list” somewhat casually.

Extending the Model

The basic hierarchy data model we’ve reviewed above can clearly accommodate multiple hierarchies of multiple different types, and after a bit of reflection it becomes obvious that each hierarchy type likely corresponds with its own dedicated master data and/or dimension with its own attributes.

So, we’ll extend our model with one additional generic table as a kind of placeholder for any/all dimensions that correspond with each hierarchy type that we’re persisting (keeping in mind that we may need to further extend the model to accommodate additional semantics around multilingual texts, currencies, units of measure, etc.).

In Summary 

We’ve now gone through graphs, DAGs, and hierarchies, and we’ve walked through a basic, scalable data model for parent-child hierarchies and discussed some of the nuances of this model. 

In the next post, we’ll review an alternative way to model hierarchies: the level hierarchy model. We’ll compare tradeoffs between parent-child and level hierarchy models, indicating when the level hierarchy might be more appropriate, and review a particularly helpful SQL query for “flattening” a parent-child hierarchy into a level hierarchy.

Epilogue – Disambiguation

After reviewing this series of posts as a whole, it occurred to me that it’s worth disambiguating various terms, concepts and conventions that I adopt throughout these posts to hopefully introduce a bit more clarity around the content of these posts but also the data engineering and BI industry more generally.

I also find myself taking a few shortcuts and liberties that fall short of academic rigor, that I think would be helpful to call out.


  • This series of posts is, primarily, about hierarchies found in business intelligence, i.e. data structures typically associated with dimensions that are used to aggregate KPIs/metrics at difference levels of granularity associated with the corresponding dimension. We could call these BI hierarchies.
  • As noted in the beginning of this post, we’ve constrained BI hierarchies specifically to those that follow the strict definition of “directed root tree”, i.e. no multi-parent scenarios. It’s worth noting that there are many cases of data models and datasets that still meet this definition without strictly being treated as BI hierarchies, i.e. are made available for reporting without being specifically (or perhaps “frequently”) leveraged for rolling up / drilling down KPIs in a BI context, but nonetheless remain relevant data for reporting. We could call these technical hierarchies, i.e. data structures that meet the technical definition. (More on examples of such hierarchies discussed in the next post.)
  • As noted in the prior post and next post (i.e. posts 2 and 4), there are many cases of data and/or capabilities in software that are called “hierarchical” without reference to BI, and without meeting the technical definition of a directed rooted tree.
    • One example provided was the role-based access control (RBAC) of most databases. The structure of role inheritance makes it often, but not always, strictly hierarchical (i.e. given multi-parent inheritance as a possiblity).
    • This is also true with time data (time dimension). Time data is very often used as a BI hierarchy, for drilling down and rolling up. But, this dimension/hierarchy is often modeled with week attributes, and if you think about, a calendar week can belong to more than one parent month, so casual use of “hierarchy” in the context of “month > week > day” relationships doesn’t quite meet the strict definition. I discuss this again in the next post.

The point here is not to over-analyze semantics, but rather just to indicate the latent ambiguity of language, in this case specifically regarding hierarchies. The best thing you can do is just stay mindful of context, and determine when specific senses/meanings of the term is intended. And the worst thing you can do is be dogmatic about a single definition and impost it in the wrong context.

This series of posts is primarily about BI hierarchies, but given some fascinating insights into more generic hierarchical data structures, I’ve decided to include additional content around what I’m calling “technical hierarchies” above. You’ll see what I mean in subsequent posts, and hopefully find the content interesting!

Parents and Children

We’ve discussed parent-child hierarchies, which may lead to some confusion when data modelers discuss “parent tables” and “child tables”. I find it helpful to recognize the following:

  • A “child table” is a table that has a foreign key (whether formally or informally defined) that points back to the “parent table”, i.e. via its associated primary key.
  • So, an ORDER table would be the parent of an ORDER_LINE table (and both could be fact tables used in different contexts, from a data warehousing perspective), and the join cardinality would be one-to-many.
  • A supertype table (say a PERSON table) could be a parent table to multiple child tables (i.e. STUDENT table and FACULTY table). In this case, the join cardinality would be one-to-one (with the child tables storing records optionally, i.e. not all PERSON records have a corresponding CHILD table).

If you give it some thought, you’ll recognize that if you join any two such tables together, you’ll have a parent-child hierarchy (in the “technical” sense), i.e. the primary key of the parent table identifies the parent node, and the primary key of the child table identifies the child node. (Don’t get confused by composite keys, i.e. primary keys made up of multiple columns – just conceptually imagine concatenating them into a new column, so that you had a unique, single column key).

  • The most common example would be typical dimension/fact table relationships. A single dimension record corresponds with multiple fact records (usually). Thus, if you consider just the dimension foreign key on the fact table (say, something like PRODUCT_ID) along with a generated primary key on your fact table (say FACT_ID), you then have a two-level hierarchy defined by PRODUCT_ID and FACT_ID. Thus, when you decide to aggregate metrics along that dimension, you are implicitly invoking the concept of a BI hierarchy, even if you have no further formal hierarchy levels in scope.
  • Even in the case of super/subtype relationships, you also have a two-level hierarchy, where each parent node only has a single child node.

Disambiguating a few more things

  • I tend to use “dimension” and “hierarchy” interchangeably when a dimension consists entirely of a hierarchy (such as with the time dimension itself – it’s a dimension, and it’s a hierarchy). Hopefully this is not confusing, as there are other cases where a single dimension (i.e. a PRODUCT dimension) consist of multiple (snowflaked) tables.
  • On that note, I tend to use “snowflaking” and “normalizing” interchangeably.
  • I tend to use “master data” and “dimension” interchangeably, since they both conceptually correspond with something representative of a single, well-understood entity. Obviously, master data tables from multiple source systems may be integrated into a single conformed dimension in an enterprise data warehouse, but I have a bad habit of nonetheless treating the terms as meaning more or less the same thing.
  • When I use the word “structure” as a noun, it typically means “data model”, which I use whenever I use “model” as a verb. Otherwise “modeling a model” just sounds redundant/confusing.

And for reference, here are links to all of the posts in this series (next up is post #4):

Nodes, Edges and Graphs: Providing Context for Hierarchies (1 of 6)

More Than Pipelines: DAGs as Precursors to Hierarchies (2 of 6)

Family Matters: Introducing Parent-Child Hierarchies (3 of 6)

Flat Out: Introducing Level Hierarchies (4 of 6)

Edge Cases: Handling Ragged and Unbalanced Hierarchies (5 of 6)

Tied With A Bow: Wrapping Up the Hierarchy Discussion (Part 6 of 6)

More Than Pipelines: DAGs as Precursors to Hierarchies (2 of 6)


In the first post of this series, I walked through the basic ideas of what constitutes a graph with a simplified example from supply chain logistics.

To briefly recap:

  • A graph consists of one or more nodes, which are connect to one another via one or more edges.
  • A graph has a cycle if a node can reach itself by traversing the graph in a single direction.
  • A given edge can be directed or undirected.
  • Nodes and edges often represent real-world objects with various associated attributes.
  • Graphs, nodes and edges can be modeled in relational databases.
A simple graph with two nodes, two directed edges and two undirected edges.

This next post will further flesh out the technical context for hierarchies by exploring a subset of graphs called directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) and disambiguate the use of this term and related concepts.

Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)

This post is not about data pipeline tools as such, but I would say most modern day Data Engineers are at least loosely familiar with the concept of DAGs given its widespread adoption in pipeline orchestration tools like Apache Airflow and Dagster. So, it’s worth providing a more generic/abstract definition that better describes what a DAG is beyond just date pipelines:

  • A DAG is a graph where each and every edge is directed, and
  • that has no cycles, i.e. is acyclic

DAGs can be found in many contexts beyond data engineering, which is important to keep in mind. Terminology within IT is often already quite idiosyncratic, so when collaborating with technical colleagues (especially software engineers) just keep in mind that their use of the term DAG very likely means something different than anything specific to data engineering.

That being said, DAGs are found all over the place in the field of data engineering, so it’s worth exploring many such instances before further disambiguating hierarchies as a subset of DAGs (which are themselves clearly a subset of graphs more generally).


Queries are DAGs. Look at the EXPLAIN PLAN of even the most basic query, and you’ll see that the visualised execution plan is a DAG, where:

  • Each node is a particular operation (such as join, filter, aggregate).
  • Each edge visualises how the output of a given operation serve as an input to the next operation.

You can clearly see the direction of each edge indicated by the arrows in the plan visualization, and quite obviously a query plan should never have a cycle*, otherwise it would run endlessly until it was stopped or it hit some physical limit.

*Fun fact: On that same project referenced at the beginning of my first post in this series, I did accidentally create a database view in a system that supported column aliases referencing each other within the same projection, and I accidentally created a recursive cycle, i.e. something like A > B, B > C, and then C > A. Querying the view would consume over a terabyte of memory in milliseconds, which led to some very creative debugging! The engineering team then, thankfully, added code to ensure such cycles were prevented. 😆)

Data Lineage

Data lineage, which represents the flow of data across a data pipeline, is also a DAG. (What I find interesting to note is that in the case of data lineage, each edge represents a particular operation, and each node represents data. This is the opposite of a query plan, where each edge represents data, and each node represents an operation).

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 1730464839246-1024x529.png

Data Pipelines

Data pipelines are, rather obviously, DAGs.

Gantt Charts

Gantt charts? Aren’t Gantt charts something from project management? Yes, but they’re also used to visualise query plans by displaying the time each operation takes within a query execution plan, by expanding the length of the node to represent the amount of time it takes.

(Side tangent – I’ve always wanted a dynamic Gantt chart visualisation for query plans, where instead of being limited just to a single metric, i.e. time (represented by bar width), I’d have the choice to select from things like memory consumption, CPU time, any implicit parallelization factors, disk I/O for root nodes, etc… any product managers out there want to take up the mantle?)

Relational Data Models

Okay, so, cycles can be found in some real-world relational data models, but even so, all relational data models are directed, and many are acyclic, so I decided to include them here.

  • Entities are nodes.
  • Primary/foreign key relationships are the edges.
  • The direction of the directed edges are from primary keys to foreign keys.
  • Clearly large enterprise data models with multiple subject areas can consist of multiple sub-graphs.

And if you’re in the mood for a bit of nuance, it’s absolutely fair to refer to the data model itself (i.e. the metadata) as a DAG, and separately calling out the data itself also as a DAG (i.e. the records themselves and their primary/foreign key relationships).


Hierarchies are DAGs? Yes, hierarchies are DAGs (and DAGs are graphs – but not all graphs are DAGs – and not all DAGs are hierarchies. In fact, most arent.) Hierarchies will be introduced and discussed in much more detail in the next post, but to give a technical description – a hierarchy can be though of as a DAG where any particular node only has a single predecessor node (often called a “parent” node).

The reality that you should be aware of is that the use of the term “hierarchy”, like most terms in any human language, is often used with a certain amount of ambiguity, which can be frustrating in a technical context when precision is important.

One common example (of many) that illustrates this ambiguity is usage of the term “hierarchy” when describing how database roles in role-based access control (RBAC) can be setup. Consider this language from Snowflake’s documentation around their RBAC model (which is comparable to language from most database vendors with an RBAC model): “Note that roles can also be assigned to other roles, creating a role hierarchy.”

Consider the following diagram from Snowflake’s documentation that, at first glance, does look like a hierarchy:

Source: Snowflake’s Overview of Access Control

If you look closely, however, you’ll see that Role 3 inherits two different privileges, which means that this structure, technically speaking is not strictly a hierarchy, but rather is a DAG, since, as we just mentioned above, hierarchies are DAGs for which a given node has only one predecessor node (and in this case, Role 2 has two predecessor nodes).

Now, it’s not really reasonable to say that this categorization is “wrong” because that’s not how language works. The term “hierarchy” means different things in different contexts. However, given that Snowflake is often a component in a larger BI landscape, it is important to disambiguate different senses or meanings of terms like “hierarchy”. In the case of RBAC, use of the term “hierarchy” is short-hand for “a model that supports inheritance” and has little bearing on the use of the term “hierarchy” when it comes to (dimensional) data modeling of heirarchies in the context of data warehousing and BI.


This is a fairly quick post to summarise:

  • DAGs are directed, acyclic graphs
  • The common use of the term DAG by Data Engineers is usually limited to the code artifacts of many modern data pipeline/orchestration tools, although it’s clearly a much broader concept.
  • Even within the field of Data Engineering, DAGs can be found everywhere, as they describe the structure of things like: query execution plans, data lineage visualisations, data pipelines, and entity-relationship models.
  • The terms DAG and hierarchy are often, and confusingly, used interchangeably, despite not representing exactly the same thing. Being aware of this ambiguity can help improve documentation and communication in the context of larger data engineering and BI efforts.

In the next post, we’ll further flesh out the concept of a hierarchy (particularly in the context of BI) including a few examples, a discussion of components of a hierarchy, an introduction to a data model for hierarchies, and a handful of additional considerations.

And for reference, here are links to all of the posts in this series:

Nodes, Edges and Graphs: Providing Context for Hierarchies (1 of 6)

More Than Pipelines: DAGs as Precursors to Hierarchies (2 of 6)

Family Matters: Introducing Parent-Child Hierarchies (3 of 6)

Flat Out: Introducing Level Hierarchies (4 of 6)

Edge Cases: Handling Ragged and Unbalanced Hierarchies (5 of 6)

Tied With A Bow: Wrapping Up the Hierarchy Discussion (Part 6 of 6)