Tied With A Bow: Wrapping Up the Hierarchy Discussion (Part 6 of 6)

The first five posts of these series were largely conceptual discussions that sprinkled in some SQL and data models here and there where helpful. This final post will serve as a summary of those posts, but it will also specifically include SQL queries, data models and transformation logic related to the overall discussion that should hopefully help you in your data engineering and analytics journey.

(Some of the content below has already been shared as-is, other content below iterates on what’s already been reviewed, and some is net new.)

And while this series of posts is specifically about hierarchies, I’m going to include SQL code for modeling graphs and DAGs as well just to help further cement the graph theory concepts undergirding hierarchies. As you’ll see, I’m going to evolve the SQL data model from one step to the next, so you can more easily see how a graph is instantiated as a DAG and then as a hierarchy.

I’m also going to use fairly generic SQL including with less commonly found features such as UNIQUE constraints. I’m certainly in the minority camp of Data Engineers that embrace the value offered by such traditional capabilities (which aren’t even supported in modern features such as Snowflake hybrid tables), and so while you’re unlikely to be able to implement some of the code directly as-is in a modern cloud data warehouse, they succinctly/clearly explain how the data model should function (and more practically indicate where you’ll need to keep data quality checks in mind in the context of your data pipelines, i.e. to basically check for what such constraints should be otherwise enforced).

And lastly, as alluded to in my last post, I’m not going to over-complicate the model. There are real-world situations that require modeling hierarchies either in a versioned approach or as slowly-changing dimensions, but to manage scope/complexity, and to encourage you to coordinate and learn from your resident Data Architect (specifically regarding the exact requirements of your use case), I’ll hold off on providing specific SQL models for such particularly complex cases. (If you’re a Data Architect reading this article, with such a use case on your hands, and you could use further assistance, you’re more than welcome to get in touch!)


Hierarchies are a subset of graphs, so it’s helpful to again summarize what graphs are, and discuss how they can be modeled in a relational database. 

A graph is essentially a data structure that captures a collection of things and their relationships to one another.

  • A graph is also often referred to as a network.
  • A “thing” is represented by a node in a graph, which is sometimes called a vertex in formal graph theory (and generally corresponds with an entity [i.e. a table] in relational databases, but can also correspond with an attribute [i.e. a column] of an entity).
  • The relationship between two nodes is referred to as an edge, and two such nodes can have any number of edges.
  • A node, quite obviously (as an entity) can have any number of attributes associated with it (including numerical attributes used in sophisticated graph algorithms [such as “biases” found in the graph structures of neural networks]).
  • Oftentimes an edge is directed in a particular way (i.e. one of the nodes of the edge takes some kind of precedence over the other, such as in a geospatial sense, chronological sense, or some other logical sense).
  • Edges often map to entities as well, and thus can have their own attributes. (Since LLMs are so popular these days, it’s perhaps worth pointing out how “weights” in neural networks are examples of numerical attributes associated with edges in a (very large) graph]).

Following is a basic data model representing how to store graph data in a relational database.

(It’s suggested you copy this code into your favorite text editor as .sql file for better formatting / syntax highlighting).

Modeling Graphs

Here is a basic data model for generic graphs. It consists of two tables:

  • one for edges
  • another for nodes (via a generic ENTITY table)

(It’s certainly possibly you’d also have a header GRAPH table that, at a minimum, would have a text description of what each graph represents. The GRAPH_ID below represents a foreign key to such a table. It’s not included here simply due to the fact that this model will evolve to support hierarchies which I usually denormalize such header description information directly on to.)

Graph nodes represent real world entities/dimensions.

This is just a placeholder table for such entities, i.e.
your real-world GRAPH_EDGE table would likely reference your master data/dimension
tables directly.
ID INT, -- Technical primary key.
ENTITY_ID_NAME, -- Name of your natural key.
ENTITY_ID_VALUE, -- Value of your natural key.
ENTITY_ATTRIBUTES VARIANT, -- Placeholder for all relevant attributes

Graph edges with any relevant attributes.

Unique constraint included for data quality.
- Multiple edges are supported in graphs
- But something should distinguish one such edge from another.

Technical primary key for simpler joins / foreign keys elsewhere.
ID INT, -- Technical primary key (generated, i.e. by a SEQUENCE)
GRAPH_ID INT, -- Identifier for which graph this edge belongs to
DIRECTION TEXT, -- Optional. Valid values: FROM/TO.
EDGE_ID INT NOT NULL, -- Unique identifier for each edge
EDGE_ATTRIBUTES VARIANT, -- Placeholder for all relevant attributes

-- constraints


A directed acyclic graph, or DAG, represents a subset of graphs for which:

  • Each edge is directed
  • A given node cannot reach itself (i.e. traversing its edges in their respective directions will never return to node from which such a traversal started).

As such, a relational model should probably introduce three changes to accommodate the definition of a DAG:

  • To simplify the model (and remove a potential data quality risk), it probably makes sense to remove the DIRECTION column and rename the node ID columns to NODE_FROM_ID and NODE_TO_ID (thereby capturing the edge direction through metadata, i.e. column names).
  • The relational model doesn’t have a native way to constrain cycles, so a data quality check would need to be introduced to check for such circumstances.
  • Technically, a DAG can have multiple edges between the same two nodes. Practically, this is rare, and thus more indicative of a data quality problem – so we’ll assume it’s reasonable to go ahead and remove that possibility from the model via a unique constraint (although you should confirm this decision in real life if you need to model DAGs.)
-- Renamed from GRAPH_EDGE
DAG_ID, -- Renamed from GRAPH_ID
NODE_TO_ID INT NOT NULL, -- Renamed from NODE_2

Hierarchies (Parent/Child)

A hierarchy is a DAG for which a given (child) node only has a single parent node (except for the root node, which obviously has no parent node). 

The concept of a hierarchy introduces a few particularly meaningful attributes (which have much less relevance to graphs/DAGs) that should be included in our model:

  • LEVEL: How many edges there are between a given node and its corresponding root node, i.e. the “natural” level of this node.
    • This value can be derived recursively, so it need not strictly be persisted — but it can drastically simplify queries, data quality checks, etc.
  • NODE_TYPE: Whether a given node is a root, inner or leaf node.
    • Again, this can be derived, but its direct inclusion can be incredibly helpful.
  • SEQNR: The sort order of a set of “sibling” nodes at a given level of the hierarchy. 

It’s also worth introducing a HIERARCHY_TYPE field to help disambiguate the different kind of hierarchies you might want to store (i.e. Profit Center, Cost Center, WBS, Org Chart, etc.). This isn’t strictly necessary if your HIERARCHY_ID values are globally unique, but practically speaking it lends a lot of functional value for modeling and end user consumption.

And lastly, we should rename a few fields to better reflect the semantic meaning of a hierarchy that distinguishes it from a DAG.

Note: the following model closely resembles the actual model I’ve successfully used in production at a large media & entertainment company for a BI use cases leveraging a variant of MDX.

-- Renamed from DAG_EDGE
ID INT, -- Technical primary key (generated, i.e. by a SEQUENCE)
HIERARCHY_ID INT, -- Renamed from DAG_ID
LEVEL INT, -- How many edges from root node to this node
SEQNR INT, -- Ordering of this node compared to its siblings

Now, it’s worth being a bit pedantic here just to clarify a few modeling decisions.

First of all, this table is a bit denormalized. In terms of its granularity, it denormalizes hierarchy nodes, with hierarchy instances, with hierarchy types. Thus, this table could be normalized out into at least 3 such tables. In practice, the juice just isn’t worth the squeeze for a whole variety of reasons (performance among them).

Also, to avoid confusion for end users, the traditional naming convention for relational tables (i.e. including the [singular] for what a given record represents) is foregone in favor of simply calling it just HIERARCHY. (Not only does this better map to user expectations, especially with a denormalized model, but also corresponds with the reality that we’re capturing a set of records that have a recursive relationship to one another, which in sum represent the structure of a hierarchy as a whole, and not just the individual edges.)

Hierarchies (Level)

The parent/child model for hierarchies can be directly consumed by MDX, but given the prevalence of SQL as the query language of choice for “modern” BI tools and cloud data warehouses, it’s important to understand how to “flatten” a parent/child hierarchy, i.e. transform it into a level hierarchy.

Such a level hierarchy has a dedicated column for each level (as well as identifying fields for the hierarchy type and ID, and also a dedicated LEAF_NODE column for joining to fact tables). The LEVEL attribute is represented in the metadata, i.e. the names of the columns themselves, and its important to also flatten the SEQNR column (and typically TEXT description columns as well).

(Remember that this model only reflects hierarchies for which fact table foreign keys always join to the leaf nodes of a given hierarchy. Fact table foreign keys that can join to inner nodes of a hierarchy are out of scope for this discussion.)

HIERARCHY_ID INT, -- Renamed from DAG_ID. Often equivalent to ROOT_NODE_ID.
ROOT_NODE_ID INT, -- Level 0, but can be considered LEVEL 1.
LEAF_NODE_ID -- Joins to fact table on leaf node

Remember that level hierarchies come with the inherent challenge that they require a hard-coded structure (in terms of how many levels they represent) whereas a parent/child structure does not. As such, a Data Modeler/Architect has to make a decision about how to accommodate such data. 

  • If some hierarchies are expected to rarely change, then a strict level hierarchy with the exact number of levels might be appropriate. 
  • If other hierarchies change frequently (such as product hierarchies in certain retail spaces), then it makes sense to add additional levels to accommodate a certain amount of flexibility, and to then treat the empty values either as a ragged or unbalanced (see following sections below).
  • Again, recall that some level of flexibility can be introduced by leveraging views in your consumption layer. One example of benefits of this approach is to project only those level columns applicable to a particular hierarchy / hierarchy instance, while the underlying table might persist many more to accommodate many different hierarchies.

Now, how does one go about flattening a parent/child hierarchy into a level hierarchy? There are different ways to do so, but here is one such way.

  1. Use recursive logic to “flatten” all of the nodes along a given path into a JSON object.
  2. Use hard-coded logic to parse out the nodes of each path at different levels into different columns. 

Here is sample logic, for a single hierarchy, that you can execute directly in Snowflake as is. 

(Given the unavoidable complexity of this flattening logic, I wanted to provide this code as is that readers can run directly without any real life data, so that they can immediately see the results of this logic in action.)

To extend this query to accommodate the models above, make sure you add joins HIERARCHY_ID and HIERARCHY_TYPE.

Here is the core recursive logic for traversing a parent-child hierarchy
and flattening it into an array of JSON objects, which can then be further
flattened out into a strict level hierarchy.
-- Anchor query, starting at root nodes
-- Collect all of the ancestors of a given node in an array
Pack together path of a given node to the root node (as an array of nodes)
along with its related attributes, i.e. SEQNR, as a JSON object (element in the array)
PARENT_NODE_ID IS NULL -- Root nodes defined as nodes with NULL parent


-- Recursive part: continue down to next level of a given node
VH.PARENT_NODE_ID = CP.CHILD_NODE_ID -- This is how we recursively traverse from one parent to its children
For most standard data models, fact table foreign keys for hierarchies only
correspond with leaf nodes. Hence filter down to leaf nodes, i.e. those nodes
that themselves are not parents of any other nodes.


And then, to fully flatten out the JSON data into its respective columns: 

Parse each value, from each JSON key, from each array element,
in order to flatten out the nodes and their sequence numbers.
Assuming fact records will always join to your hierarchy at their leaf nodes,
make sure to collect all leaf nodes into a single column by traversing from
the lower to the highest node along each path using coalesce() to find
the first not-null value [i.e. this handles paths that reach different levels]/
Just to keep things clean, sorted by each SEQNR from the top to the bottom

Architecting your Data Pipeline

It’s clear that there are multiple points at which you might want to stage your data in an ELT pipeline for hierarchies:

  • A version of your raw source data
  • A parent/child structure that houses conformed/cleansed data for all of your hierarchies. This may benefit your pipeline even if not exposed to any MDX clients.
  • An initial flattened structure that captures the hierarchy levels within a JSON object.
  • The final level hierarchy structure that is exposed to SQL clients, i.e. BI tools.

A good question to ask is whether this data should be physically persisted (schema-on-write) or logically modeled (schema-on-read). Another good question to ask is whether any flattening logic should be modeled/persisted in source systems or your data warehouse/lakehouse.

The answers to these questions depend largely on data volumes, performance expectations, data velocity (how frequently hierarchies change), ELT/ETL standards and conventions, lineage requirements, data quality concerns, and your CI/CD pipelines compared to your data pipeline (i.e. understanding tradeoffs between metadata changes and data reloads).

So, without being overly prescriptive, here are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • For rarely changing hierarchies that source system owners are willing to model, a database view that performs all the flattening logic can often simplify extraction and load of source hierarchies into your target system. 
  • For cases where logic cannot be staged in the source system, its recommended to physically persist copies of the source system data in your target system, aligned with typical ELT design standards. (In a majority of cases, OLTP data models are stored in parent/child structures.)
  • Often times, OLTP models are lax with their constraints, i.e. hierarchies can have nodes with multiple parents. Such data quality risks must be addressed before exposing hierarchy models to end users (as multi-parent hierarchies will explode out metrics given the many-to-many join conditions they introduce when joined to fact tables).
  • Different hierarchy types often have very different numbers of levels, but obviously follow the same generic structure within a level hierarchy. As such, it likely makes sense to physically persist the structure modeled in the V_FLATTEN_HIER view above, as this model supports straightforward ingestion of hierarchies with arbtirary numbers of levels. 
  • For particular hierarchy instances that should be modeled in the consumption layer, i.e. for BI reporting, it’s worth considering whether you can get sufficiently good performance from logical views that transform the JSON structure into actual columns. If not, then it may be worth physically persisting a table with the maximum required number of columns, and then exposing views on top of such a table that only project the required columns (with filters on the respective hierarchies that are being exposed). And then, if performance still suffers, obviously each hierarchy or hierarchy type could be persisted in its own table. 

Ragged and Unbalanced Hierarchies

You may or may not need to make any changes to your parent/child data model to accommodate ragged and unbalanced hierarchies, depending on whether or not that structure is exposed to clients.

Given the rare need for MDX support these days, it’s probably out of scope to flesh out all of the details of the modeling approaches already discussed, but we can at least touch on them briefly:

  1. The primary issue is capturing the correct LEVEL for a given node if it differs from its “natural” level reflected natively in the hierarchy. If there’s relatively few such exceptional cases, and they rarely change, then the best thing to do (most likely) would be to add an additional column called something like BUSINESS_LEVEL to capture the level reflected in the actual business / business process that the hierarchy models. (I would still recommend maintaining the “natural” LEVEL attribute for the purposes of risk mitigation, i.e. associated with data quality investigations.)
  2. Otherwise, for any more complex cases, it’s worth considering whether it makes sense to introduce a bridge table between your hierarchy table and your node table, which captures either different version, or history, of level change over time. (Again, such versioning as well as “time dependency” could really make sense on any of the tables in scope – whether this proposed bridge table, the hierarchy table itself, the respective node entity tables, and/or other tables such as role-playing tables.)

In terms of handling ragged hierarchies in a level structure, the typical approach is to “extrapolate” either the nearest ancestor or the nearest descendant nodes, or to populate the empty nodes with NULL or a placeholder value. Here below is a simplified visualization of such approaches. Ensure your solutions aligns with end user expectations. (The SQL required for this transformation is quite simple and thus isn’t explicitly included here.)

Note that relaated columns are absent from this example just for illustration purposes (such as HIERARCHY_ID, SEQNR, TEXT and LEAF_NODE columns.)

And lastly, in terms of handling unbalanced hierarchies in a level structure, the typical approach is:

  1. As with all level hierarchies, extrapolate leaf node values (regardless of what level they’re at) into a dedicated LEAD_NODE column (or LEAF_NODE_ID column), and
  2. Populate the empty level columns with either NULL or PLACEHOLDER values, or potentially extrapolate the nearest ancestor values down through the empty levels (if business requirements dictate as much).

Note that required columns are absent from this example just for illustration purposes (such as HIERARCHY_ID, SEQNR and TEXT columns.)

Concluding Thoughts

Over the course of this series, we’ve covered quite a bit of ground when it comes to hierarchies (primarily, but not exclusively, in the context of BI and data warehousing), from their foundational principles to practical data modeling approaches. We started our discussion by introducing graphs and directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) as the theoretical basis for understanding hierarchies, and we built upon those concepts by exploring parent-child hierarchies, level hierarchies, and the tradeoffs between them.

As a consequence, we’ve developed a fairly robust mental model for how hierarchies function in data modeling, how they are structured in relational databases, and how they can be consumed effectively in BI reporting. We’ve also examined edge cases like ragged and unbalanced hierarchies, heterogeneous hierarchies, and time-dependent (slowly changing dimension) and versioned hierarchies, ensuring that some of the more complex concepts are explored in at least some detail.

Key Takeaways

To summarize some of the most important insights from this series:

  1. Hierarchies as Graphs – Hierarchies are best conceptualized as a subset of DAGs, which themselves are a subset of graphs. Understanding how to models graphs and DAGs makes it easier to understand how to model hierarchies (including additional attributes such as LEVEL and SEQNR).
  2. Modeling Hierarchies – There are two primary modeling approaches when it comes to hierarchies: parent-child and level hierarchy models. The flexibility/reusability of parent-child hierarchies lends itself to the integration layer whereas level hierarchies lend themselves to the consumption layer of a data platform/lakehouse.
  3. Flattening Hierarchies – Transforming parent-child hierarchies to level hierarchies (i.e. “flattening” hierarchies) can be accomplished in several ways. The best approach is typically via recursive CTEs, which should be considered an essential skills for Data Engineers.
  4. Hierarchies Are Everywhere – Hierarchies, whether explicit or implicit, can be found in many different real-world datasets, and many modern file formats and storage technologies are modeled on hierarchical structures and navigation paths including JSON, XML and YAML. Hierarchies also explain the organization structure of most modern file systems.
  5. Hierarchy Design Must Align with Business Needs – Theoretical correctness means little if it doesn’t support practical use cases. Whether modeling financial statements, org charts or product dimensions, hierarchies should be modeled, evolved and exposed in a fashion that best aligns with business requirements.

I genuinely hope this series has advanced your understanding and skills when it comes to hierarchies in the context of data engineering, and if you find yourself with any lingering questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch! LinkedIn is as easy as anything else for connecting.

Edge Cases: Handling Ragged and Unbalanced Hierarchies (Part 5 of 6)

In the first three posts of this series, we delved into some necessary details from graph theory, reviewed acyclic graphs (DAGs), and touched on some foundational concepts that help describe what hierarchies are and how they might best be modeled. 

In the fourth post of the series, we spent time considering an alternative model for hierarchies: the level hierarchy which motivated several interesting discussion points including:

  • The fact that many common fields (and collections of fields) in data models (such as dates, names, phone numbers, addresses and URLs) actually encapsulate level hierarchies.
  • A parent-child structure, as simple/robust/scalable as it can be, can nonetheless overcomplicate the modeling of certain types of hierarchies (i.e. time dimensions as a primary example).
  • Level hierarchies are also the requisite model for most “modern data stack” architectures (given that a majority of BI tools do not support native SQL-based traversal of parent-child hierarchies).
  • As such, parent-child hierarchies are often appropriate for the integration layer of your data architecture, whereas level hierarchies are often ideal for your consumption layer.
    • The corresponding “flattening” transformation logic should probably be implemented via recursive CTEs (although other approaches are possible, such as self-joins).
    • When/where to model various transformations, i.e. in physical persistence (schema-on-write) or via logical views (schema-on-read), and at what layer of your architecture depends on a number of tradeoffs and should be addressed deliberately with the support of an experienced data architect.

At the very end of the last (fourth) post, we examined an org chart hierarchy that included a node with a rather ambiguous level attribute. The “natural” level differed from the “business” level and thus requires some kind of resolution.

So, let’s pick back up from there. 

Introducing Unbalanced & Ragged Hierarchies

Unbalanced Hierarchies

We had a quick glance at this example hierarchy, which is referred to as an unbalanced hierarchy:

  • In this example, node B is clearly a leaf node at level 2, whereas the other leaf nodes are at level 3.
  • Stated differently, not all paths (i.e. from the root node to the leaf nodes) extend to the same depth, hence giving this model the description of being “unbalanced”.

As we indicated previously, most joins from fact tables to hierarchies take place at the leaf nodes. Given the unbalanced hierarchies have leaf nodes at different levels, there’s clearly a challenge in how to effectively model joins against fact tables in a way that isn’t unreasonably brittle.

Leaf nodes of unbalanced level hierarchies introduce brittle/complex joins

We did solve for this particularly challenge (by introducing a dedicated leaf node column, i.e. LEAF_NODE_ID), but there are more to consider later on.

But let’s next introduce ragged hierarchies.

Ragged Hierarchies

In the last post, we provided a concrete example of this hierarchy as an org chart, demonstrating how node B (which we considered as an Executive Assistant in a sample org chart) could be described as having a “business” level i.e. of 3 that differs from what we’re calling its “natural” level of 2. We’ll refer to such hierarchies as ragged hierarchies.

(For our purposes, we’ll only refer to the abstract version of the hierarchy for the rest of this post, but it’s worth keeping real-world use cases of ragged hierarchies in mind, such as the org chart example.)

A ragged hierarchy is defined as a hierarchy in which at least one parent node has a child node specified at more than one level away from it. So in the example above, node B is two levels away from its parent A. This also means that ragged hierarchies contain edges that span more than one level (i.e. the edge [A, B] spans 2 levels).

Ragged hierarchies have some interesting properties as you can see. For example:

  • Adjacent leaf nodes might not be sibling nodes (as is the case with nodes B and D).
  • Sibling nodes can be persisted at different (business) levels, i.e. nodes B and C.

The challenge with ragged hierarchies is trying to meaningfully aggregate metrics along paths that simply don’t have nodes at certain levels.

Having now introduced unbalanced and ragged hierarchies, let’s turn out attention to how to model them in parent-child and level hierarchy structures.

Modeling Unbalanced and Ragged Hierarchies

Modeling Unbalanced Hierarchies (Parent/Child)

A parent/child structure lends itself to directly modeling an unbalanced hierarchy. The LEVEL attribute corresponds directly to the derived value, i.e. the “depth” of a given node from the root node. (It’s also worth noting that B, despite being a leaf node at a different level than other leaf nodes, is still present in the CHILD_NODE column as with all leaf nodes, supporting direct joins to fact tables (and/or “cubes”) in the case of MDX or similar languages).

No specific modifications to either the model or the data are required.

  • No modifications need if you’re querying this data with MDX from your consumption layer.
  • No modifications needed if you model this data in your integration layer (i.e. in a SQL context).
    • But as already discussed, if SQL is your front-end’s query language (most likely), then of course this model won’t serve well in your consumption layer.

Modeling Unbalanced Hierarchies (Level)

With the assumption previously discussed that any/all related fact tables contain foreign key values only of leaf nodes of a given hierarchy, node B should be extended into the dedicated LEAF_NODE (or LEAF_NODE_ID depending on your naming conventions) column introduced in the last post (along with nodes D and E). Thus, joins to fact tables can take place consistently against a single column, decoupled from the unbalanced hierarchy itself.

The next question, then, becomes – what value should be populated in the LEVEL_3_NODE column?

Generally speaking, it should probably contain NULL or some kind of PLACEHOLDER value. That way, the resulting analytics still show metrics assigned to node B (via the leaf node join), but they don’t roll up to a specific node value at level 3, since none exists. Then at LEVEL_2_NODE aggregations, the analytics clearly show the LEAF_NODE value matching LEVEL_2_NODE. 

(For illustration purposes, I’m leaving out related columns such as SEQNR columns)

Another option is to also extend the leaf node value, i.e. B, down to the missing level (i.e. LEVEL_3_NODE).

  • This approach basically transforms an unbalanced hierarchy into a ragged hierarchy. It’s a less common approach, so it’s not illustrated here.

Modeling Ragged Hierarchies (Parent/Child)

A parent/child structure can reflect a ragged hierarchy by modeling the data in such a way that the consumption layer queries the business level rather than the natural level. The simplest way to do so would be to just modify your data pipeline with hard-coded logic to modify the nodes in question by replacing the natural level with the business level, as visualized here. (Note that this could done physically, i.e. as data is persisted in your pipeline, or logically/virtually in a downstream SQL view.)

Such an approach might be okay if:

  • such edge case (nodes) are rare
  • if the hierarchies change infrequently,
  • if future changes can be managed in a deliberate fashion,
  • and if it’s very unlikely that any other level attributes need to be managed (i.e. more than one such business level)

Otherwise, this model is likely to be brittle and be difficult to maintain, in which case the integration layer model should probably be physically modified to accommodate multiple different levels, and the consumption layer should also be modified (whether physically or logically) to ensure the correct level attribute (whether “natural”, “business” or otherwise) is exposed. This is discussed in more detail below in the section “Versioning Hierarchies”.

Modeling Ragged Hierarchies (Level)

Assuming the simple case described above (i.e. few number of edge case nodes, infrequent hierarchy changes), ragged hierarchies can be accommodated in 3 ways, depending on business requirements:

  1. Adding NULL or a PLACEHOLDER value at the missing level,
  2. Extending the parent node (or nearest ancestor node, more precisely) down to this level (this is the most common approach),
  3. Or extending the child node (or nearest descendant node) up to this level.

A final point worth considering is that it’s technically possible to have a hierarchy that is both unbalanced and ragged. I’ve never seen such a situation in real-life, so I’ll leave such an example as an exercise to the reader. Nonetheless, resolving such an example can still be achieved with the approaches above.

Versioning Hierarchies

As mentioned above, real-life circumstances could require a data model that accommodates multiple level attributes (i.e. in the case of ragged hierachies, or in the case of unbalanced hierarchies that should be transformed to ragged hierarchies for business purposes). There are different ways to do so.

  • We could modify our hierarchy model with additional LEVEL columns. This approach is likely to be both brittle (by being tightly coupled to data that could change) and confusing (by modifying a data-agnostic model to accommodate specific edge cases). This approach is thus generally not recommended.
  • A single additional semi-structured column, i.e. of JSON or similar type, would more flexibly accommodate multiple column levels but can introduce data quality / integrity concerns.

(At the risk of making this discussion more confusing that it perhaps already is, I did want to note that there could be other reasons (beyond the need for additional level attributes) to maintain multiple versions of the same hierarchy, which further motivate the two modeling approaches below. For example, in an org chart for a large consulting company, it’s very common for consultants to have a line (reporting) manager, but also a mentor, and then also project managers. So depending on context, the org chart might slightly different in terms of individual parent/child relationships, which often is considered a different version of the same overarching hierarchy.)

  1. Slowly-changing dimensions (hierarchies) – Using the org chart example, it’s clearly possible that an Executive Assistant to a CEO of a Fortune 100 company is likely higher on an org chart than an Executive Assistant to the CEO of a startup. As such, it’s quite possible that their respective level changes over time as the company grows, which can be captured as a slowly changing dimension, i.e. type 2 (or apparently type 7 as Wikipedia formally classifies it).
    • Keep in mind these changes could be to the hierarchy itself, the employee themselves, the role they’re playing at given points in time, and/or some instantiation of the relationship between any of these two (or other) entities. Org chart data models can clearly get quite complicated.
  2. Versioned dimensions – I don’t think “versioned dimensions” is a formal term in data engineering, but it’s helpful for me at least to conceptualize a scenario where different use cases leverage the exact same hierarchy with slight changes, i.e. one use case (such as payroll analytics) considering the ragged hierarchy version, whereas another use case (such as equity analytics) considering the unbalanced version. Such situations would warrant a versioning bridge table (between the hierarchy table and the HR master data / dimension table, for example) that consists of at least four (conceptual) columns: a foreign key point to the hierarchy table, a foreign key pointing to the dimension table, a version field (i.e. an incrementing integer value for each version), and the LEVEL field with its various values depending on version. (A text description of each version would clealy also be very helpful.)
    • Keep in mind that such versioning could be accomplished by physically persisting only those nodes that have different versions, or physically persisting all nodes in the hierarchy.
      • Performance plays a role in this decision, depending on how consumption queries are generated/constructed (and against what data volumes, with what compute/memory/etc.)
      • Clarity also plays a role. If 80% of nodes can have multiple versions, for example, I would probably recommend completely persisting the entire hierarchy (i.e. all of the corresponding nodes) rather than just the nodes in question.

For the time being, I’ll hold off on providing actual SQL and data models for such data model extensions. I want to help bring awareness to readers on ways to extend/scale hierarchy data models and demonstrate where some of the complexities lie, but given how nuanced such cases can end up, I’d prefer to keep the discussion conceptual/logical and hold off on physical implementation (while encouraging readers to coordinate closely with their respective Data Architect when encountering such scenarios).

This particular omission notwithstanding, the next and final post will summarize these first five points and walk through the corresponding SQL (data models and transformation logic) to help readers put all of the concepts learned thus far into practice.

Flat Out: Introducing Level Hierarchies (4 of 6)

In the first post of this series, we walked through the basic concepts of a graph. In the second post, we discussed a particular kind of graph called a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and helped disambiguate and extend the roles it plays in data engineering. In the third post, we further constrained the definition of a DAG to arrive at the definition of a hierarchy and introduced some basic terminology along with a generic parent-child data model for hierarchies. 

To briefly recap the important points from those first three posts:

  • A graph consists of one or more nodes connected by one or more edges.
  • Nodes and edges can have various attributes associated with them, including numerical attributes.
  • Direct, acyclic graphs (DAGs) consist only of graphs with directed edges, without cycles (i.e. nodes cannot reach themselves when traversing the graph in the direction of the edges.)
  • Hierarchies are DAGs in which each node has only a single predecessor node.
  • Hierarchy nodes are often characterized by the analogy of a family, in which a given parent (predecessor) node can have multiple child (successor) nodes. The analogy also includes intuitive concepts of sibling nodes, ancestor nodes and descendant nodes.
  • Hierarchy nodes are also characterized by the analogy of a tree, in which the first parent node in a hierarchy is called a root node, the terminal child nodes in a hierarchy are called leaf nodes, and all nodes between the root node and leaf nodes are called inner (or intermediate) nodes.
  • It’s helpful to track two additional attributes for hierarchy nodes. The first attribute is the sequence number, which defines the sort order amongst a set of sibling nodes. The second attribute is the level, which generally describes how many edges a given node is removed from the root node.
  • Hierarchies can be modeled in a parent-child structure, also colloquially referred to as adjacency list, which can be extended to accommodate multiple instances of multiple types of hierarchies.

In this fourth post, we’re going to introduce an alternative data model: the level hierarchy data model. We’ll discuss cases when this model is more helpful than a parent-child hierarchy, and we’ll review SQL logic that can be used to “flatten” a parent-child hierarchy into a level hierarchy.

Level Hierarchies

In the last post, I made reference to the time dimension. It’s the first type of dimension introduced in an academic context, it’s usually the the most important dimension in data warehouse models, and it’s well-suited for modeling as a level hierarchy. So, let’s start our discussion there. And just for fun, let’s start by looking at a simple DATE column, because it actually corresponds with a (level) hierarchy itself.

Such DATE values are really nothing more than hyphen-delimited paths across three levels of a time hierarchy, i.e. YEAR > MONTH > DAY. To make this picture more explicit, parsing out the individual components of a DATE column generates our first example of a level hierarchy:

In terms of considering this data as a hierarchy, it quickly becomes obvious that:

  • The first column YEAR represents the root node of the hierarchy,
  • Multiple DAY_OF_MONTH values roll up to a single MONTH value, and multiple MONTH values roll up to a single YEAR value
    • i.e. multiple child nodes roll up to a single parent node
  • Any two adjacent columns reflect a parent-child relationship (i.e. [YEAR, MONTH] and [MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH]),
    • So we could think of this is as parent-child-grandchild hierarchy table, i.e. a 3-level hierarchy
    • Clearly this model could accommodate additional ancestor/descendant levels (i.e. if this data were stored as a TIMESTAMP, it could also accommodate HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, MILLISECOND, and NANOSECOND levels).
  • Each column captures all nodes at a given level (hence the name “level hierarchy”), and
  • Each row thus represents the path from the root node all the way down to a given leaf node (vs. a row in a parent-child model which represent a single edge from a parent node to a child node).
    • Thus, one consequence of level hierarchies is that ancestor nodes are duplicated whenever there are sibling nodes (i.e. more than one descendant node at a given level) further along any of its respective paths. You can see above how YEAR and MONTH values are duplicated. This duplication can impact modeling decisions when measures are involved. More on this later.)
      • Duplication of parent nodes can obviously occur in a parent-child hierarchy, but this doesn’t pose a problem since joins to fact tables are always on the child node column.

(Note in the example above that I took a very common date field, i.e. SALE_DATE, just to illustrate the concepts above. In a real-world scenario, SALE_DATE would be modeled on a fact table, whereas this post is primary about the time dimension (hierarchy) as a dimension table. This example was not meant to introduce any confusion between fact tables and dimension tables, and as noted below, a DATE field would be persisted on the time dimension and used as the join key to SALE_DATE on the fact table.)

Side Note 1

Keep in mind that in a real-world time dimension, the above level hierarchy would also explicitly maintain the DATE column as well (i.e. as its leaf node), since that’s the typical join key on fact tables. As such, the granularity is at the level of dates rather than days, which might sound pedantic, but from a data modeling perspective is a meaningful distinction (a date being an instance of a day, i.e. 11/29/2024 being an instance* of the more generic 11/29). This also avoids the “multi-parent” problem that a given day (say 11/29) actually rolls up to all years in scope (which again is a trivial problem since very few fact tables would ever join on a month/year column).

It’s also worth noting that this means the level hierarchy above technically represents multiple hierarchies (also called “subtress” or sometime sub-hierarchies) if we only maintain YEAR as the root node. This won’t cause us any problems in practice assuming we maintain the DATE column (since such leaf nodes aren’t repeated across these different sub-hierarchies, i.e. a given date only belongs to a given year). Do be mindful though with other hierarchy types where the same leaf node could be found in multiple hierarchies (i.e. profit centre hierarchies as one such example): such scenarios require some kind of filtering logic (typically prompting the user in the UI of the BI tool to select which hierarchy they want to consider in their dashboard/report) to ensure leaf values aren’t inadvertently duplicated.

*From a data modeling perspective, it’s worth reflecting on when you’re modeling instances of things versus classes of things. As mentioned, in the case of a time dimension, a date is a specific instance of a more generic “day” concept (class). Time dimensions are part of most retail data models, which have two additional dimensions that highlight the distinction between instances and classes. The product dimension, for example is typically modeled as classes of products (i.e. a single record might represent all iPhones of a specific configuration), whereas store dimensions are typically modeled as specific store instances.

This distinction between classes/instances is analogous to classes/objects in object-oriented programming, although a programming “object” (instance of a Java class, for example) can certainly represent a real-world class (i.e. the class of all iPhone 15 Pro Max phones). What’s less common is a “class” in an OO language representing a real-world object (i.e. instance).

Side Note 2

As indicated above, the time dimension level hierarchy can clearly be extended to higher and lower levels if/as needed depending on use case. As on example, event data is often captured at the level of TIMESTAMP, whether at the second, millisecond ,or possibly nanosecond level. And in cases of scientific research, i.e. in fields like astronomy or particle physics (not impossible – apparently CERN produces massive amounts of data), there is actually occasion to extend this model particularly far at one end or the other.

Granted, I doubt scientific researchers are using relational/dimensional models and technology for their analysis, but it makes for a fun thought experiment. Apparently it would only take about 60 columns to model the age of the universe down to Planck units if you really wanted to, which is obviously ridiculous but a fun thought experiment. But according to ChatGPT, storage of this data even in a medium as dense as DNA would still exceed the known mass of the universe!)

Side Note 3

Given that a DATE column can be understood as a compact representation of a hierarchy, I find it personally insightful to keep an eye out for similar cases, i.e. instances of structured data representing more complex structures (i.e. hierarchies) even when not explicitly modeled as such.

For example:

  • Tables that contain FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME indicate an implicit (and quite literal) parent-child hierarchical structure of family members and families.
  • Address fields such as STREET_NAME, STREET NUMBER, POSTAL_CODE, CITY, COUNTRY, etc. reflect an implicit (level) geographical hierarchy.
  • Phone numbers can also indicate geographical (level) hierarchies (i.e. an American format of +## (###) ###-####, for example, implies a hierarchical grouping of phone numbers, which roll-up to areas (area codes), which roll up (or map) to states, which roll up to the country as a whole).
  • Even the YEAR value within a DATE column actually represents multiple levels of time: YEAR, DECADE, CENTURY, MILLENNIUM (although we’d rarely normalize the data to this extent).
  • For an even more esoteric example, numerical values can also be viewed as hierarchies. Each digit or place in a multi-digit number represents a different level in a hierarchy. For example, in base-ten numbers, each digit can have up to ten “child node” digits (0–9), whereas binary digits have a maximum of two such child nodes (0 and 1) at each level. As a fun exercise, try modeling a multi-digit number like 237 as both a parent-child and level hierarchy… and then do so with its binary representation. 😅
  • And as a final note, the utter ubiquity of data that can be modeled hierarchically indicate the architectural value of historically relevant hierarchical databases as well as modern hierarchical storage formats such as JSON, YAML and XML. Perhaps in a future post I’ll tease out the tradeoffs between relational, hierarchical and more recent graph databases

Back to Hierarchies

Now, recall again that a time dimension is certainly a hierarchy in the same sense that we’ve discussed. Considering the data above:

  • The root node would be the century 2100 (representing all of the years from 2000 to 2099)
    • (if we decided to include it, although it’s basically unnecessary.)
  • The inner nodes would be all of the nodes at the levels between YEAR and DAY_OF_MONTH (i.e. MONTH but could easily include DECADE, QUARTER, WEEK, etc.)
  • The leaf nodes would be the nodes at the DAY_OF_MONTH level. 
    • (Again, just based on the simple example we started with. In a production scenario, we’d include a DATE column as our primary key, which is more granular than DAY_OF_MONTH.)

Each edge is directed, each node has exactly one parent (and as indicated, we could easily extend this model to incorporate more levels.) So, it’s just a plain old hierarchy. Right?

Well, yes, but what happens if we try to model it with the parent-child model we discussed in-depth in the prior post? Well, it might look something like this (simplified HIERARCHY table for illustration purposes):

Time dimension modeled as a parent-child hierarchy

This already feels off, but let’s press forward. As indicated in the last article, we should use surrogate keys, so that we’re not mixing up different semantics within the hierarchy (i.e. years are different than months (which have names associated with them) which are different than days (which also have names associated with them, but also “days of the week” integer values), so we should at least normalize/snowflake this model out a bit.

Time dimension as a snowflaked/normalized parent-child hierarchically

Is this model theoretically sound? More or less.

Is it worth modeling as a parent-child hierarchy with normalized/snowflaked dimensions for each level of the time hierarchy?

Most certainly not.

The risks/concerns typically addressed by normalization (data storage concerns, insert/update/delete anomalies, improving data integrity, etc.) are trivial, and the effort to join all these tables back together, which are so often queried together, is substantial (compounded by the fact that we almost always want to denormalize additional DATE attributes, such as week-level attributes*, including WEEKDAY, WEEKDAY_NAME, and WEEK_OF_YEAR).

(*Another good exercise here is worth thinking about whether the data that maps days to weeks [and/or to years] is actually hierarchical in the strict/technical sense [which also requires considering whether you’re referring to a calendar week versus an ISO week, again referring to ISO 8601]. Keep in mind how a single calendar week can overlap two different months as well as two different years…)

So, this is a great example of when the benefits of a level hierarchy offers substantially more value than a parent-child hierarchy (and similarly demonstrates the value of denormalized dimensional modeling in data warehousing and other data engineering contexts).

Before moving on to a generic discussion comparing level hierarchies to parent-child hierarchies, it’s worth expanding the time dimension a bit further to further illustrate what additional attributes should be considered in the context of modeling level hierarchies:

  • As noted earlier, each level has at least one dedicated column (i.e. for storing node values), usually in order of root nodes to leaf nodes, from left to right (i.e. year, month, day).
  • We can pretty easily see the fairly common need for multiple node attributes per level (which map to node attributes we’ve already discussed in the context of parent-child hierarchies):
    • An identifier column for nodes of a level (i.e. DAY_OF_MONTH_STR or DAY_OF_MONTH_INT)
    • A column for providing meaningful descriptions (i.e. MONTH_NAME)
      • In case of multilingual models, text descriptions should be almost always be normalized into their own table.
    • A column for ensuring meaningful sort order (i.e. DAY_OF_MONTH_STR, due to zero-padding)
      • Generic level hierarchies would likely instead include a SEQNR column per level for managing sort order as discussed in the last post
    • A column for simplifying various computations (i.e. DAY_OF_MONTH_INT)
      • Optional, depending on use case, data volumes, performance SLAs, etc.
    • Not all such columns are needed for all such levels, i.e. the root node column, YEAR, clearly has no need for a name column, nor a sort column (since it won’t need zero-padding for several millenia… future Y2K problem?)
  • Since a single instance of a given hierarchy type has the same granularity as its associated master data / dimension data, denormalizing related tables/attributes (such as those in light blue above) becomes trivially easy (and recommended in some cases, such as the one above).
    • In the model above, they’ve been moved to the right to help disambiguate hierarchy columns from attribute columns. Why are they treated as generic attributes rather than hierarchy level attributes? Technically, a calendar week can span more than one month (and more than one year), reflecting a multi-parent edge case (which we disallowed earlier in our discussion). So rather than treat them as part of the hierarchy, we simply denormalize them as generic attributes (since they still resolve to the same day-level granularity).
    • In real-world implementations, most users are used to seeing such week-related attributes between month and day columns, since users generally conceptualize the time hierarchy as year > month > week > day. So you should probably expect to order your columns accordingly – but again, the point here is to disambiguate what’s technically a hierarchy versus what’s conceptually a hierarchy to simplify life for data engineers reading this article.
  • As discussed earlier, DATE values are maintained as the leaf nodes. This is one example of a broader trend in real-world data of denormalizing multiple lower level nodes of a hierarchy (with the leaf nodes) to generate unique identifiers, i.e. –
    • Product codes (stock keeping units, i.e. SKUs) often include multiple product hierarchy levels.
    • IP addresses and URLs capture information at multiple levels of networking hierarchies.
    • Even things like species names in biology, such as “home sapiens”, capture both the 8th level (sapiens) and the 7th level (homo) of the (Linnaean) classification hierarchy.
  • It’s worth bringing up one more important point about modeling leaf node columns in level hierarchies (independent of the time dimension above). It’s almost always very helpful to have leaf nodes explicitly (and redundantly) modeled in their own dedicated column – as opposed to simply relying on whatever level(s) contain leaf node values – for at least two reasons:
    • In most dimensional data models, fact tables join only to leaf nodes, and thus to avoid rather complex (and frequently changing) joins (i.e. on multiple columns whenever leaf nodes can be found at multiple levels, which is quite common), it’s much simpler to join a single, unchanging LEAF_NODE_ID column (or whatever it’s named) to a single ID column (or whatever it’s named) on your fact table (which should both be surrogate keys in either case).
      • The challenge here stems from issues with “unbalanced hierarchies” which will be discussed in more detail in the next post.
    • On a related note, and regardless of whether the hierarchy is balanced or unbalanced, joining on a dedicated LEAF_NODE_ID column provides a stable join condition that never needs to be change, even if the hierarchy data changes, i.e. even if levels need to be added or removed (since the respective ETL/ELT logic can and should be updated to ensure leaf node values, at whatever level they’re found, are always populated in the dedicated LEAF_NODE_ID column).
A dedicated LEAF_NODE_ID column in level hierarchies can simplify dimensional model joins and make them more resilient to change.

Parent-Child vs Level Hierarchies

While a complete analysis of all of the tradeoffs between parent-child and level hierarchy models is beyond the scope of this post, it’s certainly worth delineating a few considerations worth keeping in mind that indicate when it probably makes sense to model a hierarchy as a level hierarchy, factoring in the analysis above on the time dimension:

  • When all paths from a leaf node to the root node have the same number of levels.
    • This characteristic defines “balanced” hierarchies, discussed further in the next post.
  • When the number of levels in a given hierarchy rarely (and predictably) change.
  • When semantic distinctions per level are limited and easily captured in column names.
    • I.e. it’s straightforward and reasonable to simply leverage the metadata of column names to distinguish, say, a YEAR from a MONTH (even though they aren’t exactly the same thing and don’t have the same atrributes, i.e. MONTH columns have corresponding names whereas YEAR columns do not).
    • By the way of a counterexample, it is usually NOT reasonable to leverage a level hierarchy to model something like “heterogeneous” hierarchies such as a Bill of Materials (BOM) that has nested product components with many drastically different attributes per node (or even drastically different data models per node, which can certainly happen).
      • Any need for denormalization makes such a model very difficult to understand since a given attribute for one product component probably doesn’t apply to other components.
      • Any attempt to analyze metrics across hierarchy nodes, i.e. perhaps a COST of each component, becomes a “horizontal” calculation (PRODUCT_A_COST + PRODUCT_B_COST) rather than expected “vertical” SUM() calculation in BI, and also risks suffering from incorrect results due to potentially unanticipated duplication (i.e. one of the consequences of the level hierarchy data model discussed previously.)
  • When it’s particularly helpful to denormalize alternative hierarchies (or subsets thereof) or a handful of master data / dimension attributes (i.e. with the week-related attributes in our prior example)
  • When users are used to seeing the data itself* presented in a level structure, such as:
    • calendar/fiscal time dimensions
    • many geographic hierarchies
    • certain org charts (i.e. government orgs that rarely change)

These considerations should be treated as heuristics, not as hard and fast rules, and a detailed exercise of modeling hierarchies is clearly dependent on use case and should be done with the help of an experienced data architect.

*Note that the common visualization of hierarchical text data in a “drill down” tree structure, much like navigating directories in Windows Explorer, or how lines in financial statements are structured, is a front-end UX design decision that has no bearing on how the data itself is persisted, whether in a parent-child hierarchy or level hierarchy model. And since these series of posts are more geared towards data/analytics engineering than BI developers or UX/UI designers, the visualization of hierarchical data won’t be discussed much further.


This post has illustrated practical limits to the utility of the parent-child hierarchy structure as a function of the data and use case itself. It’s also worth highlighting yet another technical concern which further motivates the need for level hierarchies:

  • SQL-based traversal of parent-child hierarchies in SQL is complex and often performs badly
    • and thus is not supported in any modern enterprise BI tool
  • Most “modern data stack” technologies only support SQL
    • and not MDX, discussed below, which does elegantly handle parent-child hierarchies
  • As such, any data engineer implementing a BI system on the so-called “modern data stack” is more or less forced to model all consumption-level hierarchical data as level hierarchies.

This hurts my data modeling heart a bit, as a part of me really values the flexibility afforded by a parent-child structure and how it can really accommodate any kind of hierarchy and graph structure (despite obvious practical limitations and constraints already discussed).

Historically, there used to be pretty wide adoption of a query language called MDX (short for Multidimensional Expressions) by large BI vendors including Oracle, SAP and Microsoft, which natively supported runtime BI query/traversal of parent-child hierarchies (in addition to other semantically rich capabilities beyond pure SQL), but no modern cloud data warehouse vendors, and very few cloud-native BI systems, support MDX. (More will be said about this in the final post of this series).

So, for better or worse, most readers of this post are likely stuck having to re-model parent-child hierarchies as level hierarchies. 

Now, does this mean we’ve wasted our time with the discussion and data model for parent-child hierarchies?

I would say no. Rather, I would suggest leveraging a parent-child structure in the “silver” layer of a medallion architecture*, i.e. in your integration layer where you are normalizing/conforming hierarchies from multiple differing source systems. You’ll still ultimately want to introduce surrogate keys, which are best done at this layer, and you’ll also find data quality to be much easier to address with a parent-child structure than a level structure. (More on the role of a parent-child structure in a medallion architecture is discussed in the 6th post of this series.)

That all being said, it’s thus clearly important to understand how to go about “flattening” a parent-child structure into a level structure, i.e. in the transformation logic from the integration layer to the consumption layer of your architecture.

*again, where it makes sense to do so based on the tradeoffs of your use case.

How to Flatten a Parent-Child Hierarchy Into a Level Hierarchy

There are at least three ways to flatten a parent-child hierarchy into a level hierarchy with SQL (and SQL-based scripting) logic:

  1. Imperative logic (i.e. loops, such as through a cursor)
  2. Parent-child self joins
  3. Recursive common table expressions (CTEs)

Since cursors and loops are *rarely* warranted (due to performance and maintenance headaches), option #1 won’t be discussed. (Python, Java, and other imperative languages, while often supported as stored procedure language options on systems like Snowflake, will nonetheless be left out of scope for this particular series.)

Option #2 will be briefly addressed, although it’s generally inferior to Option #3, which will be the major focus for the remainder of this post.

Parent-Child Self Joins

The video below visually demonstrates how a SQL query can be written with N-1 number of self-joins of a parent-child hierarchy table to itself to transform it into a level hierarchy (where N is the number of levels in the hierarchy).

  • (Clearly this example is simplified and would be to be extended, if it were to be used in production, to include additional columns such as SEQNR columns for each level, as well as potentially text descriptions columns, and also key fields from the source table such as HIERARCHY_TYPE and HIERARCHY_ID.)

There are a number of problems with this approach worth noting:

  1. The query is hard-coded, i.e. it needs to be modified each time a level is added or removed from the hierarchy (which can be a maintenance nightmare and introduces substantial risks to data quality).
  2. Specifying the same logic multiple times (i.e. similar join conditions) introduces maintenance risks, i.e. errors from incorrectly copying/pasting. (The issue here, more or less, is the abandonment of the DRY principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself).)
  3. Calculating the LEVEL value requires hard-coding and thus is also subject to maintenance headaches and risks of errors.

Nonetheless, this approach is probably the easiest to understand and is occasionally acceptable (i.e. for very static hierarchies that are well-understood and known to change only rarely).

Recursive Common Table Expression (CTE)

Following is a more complex but performant and maintainable approach that effectively address the limitations of the approaches above:

  1. It is written with declarative logic, i.e. the paradigm of set-based SQL business logic
  2. Recursive logic is specified once following the DRY principle
  3. The LEVEL attribute is derived automatically
  4. Performance scales well on modern databases / data warehouses with such an approach

Note the following:

  1. Recursion as a programming concept, and recursive CTEs in particular, can be quite confusing if they’re new concepts to you. If that’s the case, I’d suggest spending some time understanding how they function, such as in the Snowflake documentation, as well as searching for examples from Google, StackOverflow, ChatGPT, etc.)
  2. The logic below also makes effective use of semistructured data types ARRAY and OBJECT (i.e. JSON). If these data types are new to you, it’s also recommended that you familiarize yourself with them from the Snowflake documentation.
  3. There is still a need for hard-coded logic, i.e. in parsing out individual level attributes based on an expected/planned number of levels. However, compared to the self-join approach above, such logic below is simpler to maintain, easier to understand, and data need not be reloaded (i.e. data for each level is available in the array of objects). It is still worth noting that this requirement overall is one of the drawbacks of level hierarchies compared to parent-child hierarchies.

Step 1: Flatten into a flexible “path” model

(Following syntax is Snowflake SQL)

The following query demonstrates how to first flatten a parent-child hierarchy into a “path” model where each record captures an array of JSON objects, where each such object represents the the node at a particular level of the flattened hierarchy path including the sort order (SEQNR column) of each node.

It’s recommended that you copy this query into your Snowflake environment and try running it yourself. (Again, Snowflake offers free trials worth taking advantage of.)

Here is the core recursive logic for traversing a parent-child hierarchy
and flattening it into an array of JSON objects, which can then be further
flattened out into a strict level hierarchy.
-- Anchor query, starting at root nodes
-- Collect all of the ancestors of a given node in an array
Pack together path of a given node to the root node (as an array of nodes)
along with its related attributes, i.e. SEQNR, as a JSON object (element in the array)
PARENT_NODE_ID IS NULL -- Root nodes defined as nodes with NULL parent


-- Recursive part: continue down to next level of a given node
VH.PARENT_NODE_ID = CP.CHILD_NODE_ID -- This is how we recursively traverse from one parent to its children
For most standard data models, fact table foreign keys for hierarchies only
correspond with leaf nodes. Hence filter down to leaf nodes, i.e. those nodes
that themselves are not parents of any other nodes.


If you run the above query in Snowflake, you should see a result that looks like this:

Step 2: Structure the flattened “path” model

The next step is to parse the JSON objects out of the array to structure the hierarchy into a level structure that we’re now familiar with (this SQL can directly below the logic above in your SQL editor):

Parse each value, from each JSON key, from each array element,
in order to flatten out the nodes and their sequence numbers.
Assuming fact records will always join to your hierarchy at their leaf nodes,
make sure to collect all leaf nodes into a single column by traversing from
the lower to the highest node along each path using coalesce() to find
the first not-null value [i.e. this handles paths that reach different levels]/
Just to keep things clean, sorted by each SEQNR from the top to the bottom

Your results should look something like this:

As you can see, this model represents each level as its own column, and each record has an entry for the node of each level (i.e. in each column). 

Again, this logic is simplified for illustration purposes. In a production context, the logic may need to include:

  • The addition of HIERARCHY_TYPE and HIERARCHY_ID columns in your joins (or possibly filters) and in your output (i.e. appended to the beginning of your level hierarchy table).
  • The addition of TEXT columns for each level, along with any other attributes that you might want to denormalize onto your level hierarchy table.

The obvious caveats

  • You’ll have to decide if you’d rather define the root level of your hierarchy as level 0 or 1.
  • The above logic is not the only way to model a level hierarchy, but it demonstrates the concept: transforming a parent-child hierarchy (where each record represents an edge, i.e. from a parent node to a child node) into a level hierarchy (where the values in each LEVEL_#_NODE column represent all of the nodes in a given level of the hierarchy). You can think of this transformation logic, loosely, as a reverse pivot.
    • Other modeling approaches include maintaining some semi-structured persistence, such as the array of JSON objects provided in the first step of the flattening logic, which simplifies future model changes (at the expense of pushing “schema-on-read” logic to your front-end)
  • As noted in the comments, this model assumes that you’ll only ever join your hierarchy to your fact table on leaf node columns, which is certainly the most common pattern.
    • The edge case where fact tables can join to inner/root nodes is left out from this series just to help manage scope, but it’s a problem worth giving some thought to. (One simple example of this in a real-world scenario is instances of plan/budget financial data generated at weekly or monthly levels instead of daily, as well as against higher levels of a product hierarchy. Thus specific logic is required to roll up actuals to the same level as plan/budget in order to compare apples-to-apples.)
  • As is likely obvious by now, the level hierarchy model presents several drawbacks worth noting:
    • The number of levels of the hierarchy must either be known in advance (to exactly model the hierarchy – which thus limits reusability of the same tables to accommodate different hierarchies) or
    • Extra “placeholder” levels should probably be added to accommodate any unexpected changes (i.e. that introduce additional levels, generally before the leaf node column), which introduces some brittleness into the model (again, semi-structured data types can solves this for data engineers, but pushes the problem onto front-end developers).
    • Even with extra placeholder levels, there is still a risk that unexpected changes to upstream data introduce more levels than the table can accommodate.
    • Again, bypassing this problem with semi-structured data types, such as arrays or JSON, simply pushes the problem downstream (and rarely do BI tools natively support parsing such columns)
    • And lastly, there can still be confusion with the introduction/maintenance of extra placeholder levels (i.e. what data do you think should be populated in those empty level columns? NULLs? Leaf node values? The first not null ancestor node values? This is worth thinking about, and final decisions should be made in consultation with end users.)

The less obvious caveats

Schema-on-write vs Schema-on-read

The flattening logic above was provided as a SQL view, but should it? Or should the flattened data be persisted into its own table? Perhaps the flattening logic should be exposed as a view in a source system, and persisted through ELT logic in the target system? More broadly, when changes are required (i.e. when the source hierarchy introduces more levels), would you rather be subject to having to change your data model, or would you rather have to reload your data? Answers to these questions depend on your use cases, the nature of your hierarchies (such as how frequently and drastically your hierarchies can change), the expectations of end users, etc.

Hierarchy edge cases

Also, the whole notion of a LEVEL attribute turns out to not always be as straightforward as you might expect. To demonstrate, let’s reconsider an even more simplified version of our hierarchy:

Next, let’s make this a more real-world example by looking at it as a fictional org chart of a brand new, small start-up. 

As you can easily see, this hierarchy has the exact same nodes, edges, and relationships as its more abstract version directly above. So what’s different? Take a moment to look at both of them and compare the one major difference.

Do you see it? The node B, which corresponds with “Executive Assistant”, is at a different level in each hierarchy.

In the abstract version, node B is clearly represented as belonging to level 2. But in the org chart version, the Executive Assistant node clearly belongs to level 3. 

So, which one is “right”? 

Stay tuned for the next post to discuss this question in more detail… 

Epilogue – MDX Resurrected?

I try to keep most of my content vendor-agnostic (other than leveraging Snowflake as the database of choice in order to stick with a single SQL syntax), but there are occasions where it’s worth calling out vendors providing unique/different capabilities that I think Data Engineers (and BI / Analytics Engineers and front-end developers) should be aware of.

As noted above, most “modern data stack” vendors do not support MDX, but this is interestingly starting to change. Apparently the industry has recognized the value of the rich expressiveness of MDX, which I certainly agree with.

So I wanted to call your attention specifically to the MDX API offered by Cube.dev. I’ve never worked with it myself, and I’m also not affiliated with Cube in any way (other than knowing a few folks that work there), so I can’t speak particularly intelligently to this API, but my understanding is that it specifically supports MDX queries from front-end applications (via XML for Analysis) including Microsoft Excel, and this it transpiles such queries to recursive SQL (i.e. recursive CTEs) that can then be efficiently executed on modern cloud data warehouses.

So, for any folks who miss our dear friend MDX, keep an eye on this space. And if anyone is familiar with other vendors with similar capabilities, please let me know, and I’ll update this post accordingly. Thanks!

Epilogue Part 2 – Native SQL Support for Processing Hierarchies

It’s worth noting that some databases and data warehouse systems offer native SQL extensions for processing hierarchical data (in addition and/or in absence of recursive CTEs). Given the market’s direction towards “modern” databases, i.e. cloud data warehouses (and smaller systems like DuckDB), I decided not to include mention of such capabilities above, given that such hierarchy capabilities are seemingly only available from “legacy” vendors. I found no such comparable capabilities from modern analytical databases such as Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift, DuckDB/MotherDuck, SingleStore, ClickHouse, etc.

But for those curious, especially who work on legacy on-prem systems, and the fact that I went ahead and called out a vendor above, here are a few links to direct you to documentation for various hierarchy extensions available from the respective SQL dialects from different vendors (note that there may be better links – these are just from a quick Google search to provide a direction for further research):

I’m referring specifically to hierarchy/tree structures, not generic graphs – although many of these vendors also offer some built-in support (and/or separate products) for processing generic graphs.

Alright, alright. While I’m at it:

And some more modern graph databases/systems:

Extracting data from SAP: CDS views or tables?

For every SAP data-centric data platform, data engineering teams must decide whether to extract data from Core Data Services (CDS) views or directly from SAP tables. While CDS views offer significant advantages in data modeling—ensuring that models are fit for purpose—they are not always the best option. Many organisations may lack the right technology, skills, or processes to fully leverage CDS views for data extraction. Having gone through many implementation projects myself, and prompted by a post on Linkedin from my friend and colleague Ronald Konijnenburg, I thought I’d share my views on the topic here. 

What Are SAP CDS Views?

SAP CDS views are a powerful abstraction layer that allows for defining data models within SAP applications. They simplify data access and help organise SAP data for analytics consumption. For an introduction to CDS views, see for example this article on the SAP community site. However, despite their benefits, CDS views are not always the best choice for data extraction. Below, we explore the key technological, skill-based, and process-related challenges associated with CDS view-based extraction compared to table-based extraction.

1. Technology

A common approach for extracting data from source system is the use of a Change Data Capture mechanism. This mechanism is widely available for databases, using either trigger- or log-based replication. Both SAP and third parties provide out-of-the-box solutions for a wide range of databases and applications, including SAP ERP. These methods enable efficient, incremental data extraction.
CDS views, however, are SAP proprietary, and CDC mechanisms are not readily available in third-party tools.  To the best of my knowledge, only SAP DataSphere and SNP Glue offer an efficient, CDC based extraction for CDS views.
OData extraction is available for CDS views, but it does not scale well for enterprise-level workloads. Large-scale data extractions using OData often run into performance limitations, making direct table extraction a more viable approach for enterprises handling high data volumes.

2. People (Skills)

Maintenance on CDS views require SAP-specific skills, which are not always available in data & analytics teams. This skill gap can create a bottleneck when changes or troubleshooting are required. Many CDS views are not delta-enabled, meaning they cannot support incremental data extraction. This makes them unsuitable for large-scale data pipelines that depend on efficient updates. Not all SAP tables are included in CDS views. If a required table is missing from existing CDS views, the engineering team must either create a new CDS view or revert to direct table extraction.

3. Processes

Changes to CDS views must follow the SAP S/4HANA change process, which is significantly more rigorous than data platform governance. This level of control is justifiable, given that SAP is the core system of record in most enterprises, but it means even small adjustments can take a long time to implement. In contrast, adding a table to an extraction process can be as simple as selecting a checkbox, making it a far quicker and more flexible option.


If you are on a technology stack which supports CDC for CDS views and you have a team comfortable with the maintenance of CDS views and the governance processes around it, then using CDS views for data extraction can give you better data products more quickly. 
If you wish your data & analytics team to be independent from the SAP governance processes, you don’t have an ETL tool supporting CDC for CDS views and you don’t have easy access to SAP skills, then you are probably better of with direct table extraction. It’s often said that creating models on SAP tables is very difficult as SAP has several hundreds of thousands of tables.  You only need a fraction of those though, and it really is not that complicated to create a data model suitable for analytics. The initial hundred or two hundred tables will easily support the first use cases and even for larger implementations I often see fewer than a thousand tables being used.  

With the considerations outlined in this article, organisations can prioritise and score the different approaches and choose the data extraction strategy that works best for them. 

The Makeover Quarterly Effect: A Data Engineer’s Perspective 

When I first joined Snap Analytics as an intern, I was introduced to the world of data visualisation. My primary focus was automating reports, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. I genuinely believed that was where my career would lead. Designing dashboards, telling stories through data, and seeing the direct impact of my work felt like the perfect fit.

After graduating, I returned to Snap and hit the ground running. My first project involved revamping outdated client reports. It was exciting to apply my knowledge on a larger scale, collaborating with clients and learning from senior visualisation experts around me. However, as the project progressed, my role shifted. I moved away from dashboards and dived headfirst into backend data engineering.

At first, it was a daunting transition. Training scenarios are one thing, but real-world projects are a completely different challenge. I worried about whether I’d pick things up quickly enough. But with support from my team and plenty of questions along the way, I grew to enjoy the challenges of data engineering more than I ever anticipated. There’s something deeply satisfying about building robust pipelines and data models – the backbone of everything visualisations rely on.

That said, I missed the creative outlet of visualisation. When you’re immersed in tables and backend logic, it’s easy to lose sight of how your work contributes to the final product. That’s why I loved it when Snap’s Data Visualisation team introduced the “Makeover Quarterly.” It’s a fun internal challenge where data engineers like me get to flex our front-end skills by creating dashboards based on quirky datasets. So far, we’ve tackled everything from curating the ultimate playlist to ranking top travel destinations.

These challenges are more than just fun – they bridge the gap between backend and frontend teams. By stepping into the shoes of a visualisation expert, I’ve gained a clearer understanding of what’s required to create cleaner, more effective solutions. It’s made me a better engineer because I can now see the bigger picture.

Recently, I even had the opportunity to use my visualisation background on the same client project where I’ve been focusing on backend work. I helped develop a Power BI best practices template to clean up their data models and make them easier to use. It felt like everything I’d learned – both frontend and backend – had come together to create something impactful.

Looking back, I can see just how valuable it has been to explore both sides of the data world. My journey has taught me that stepping out of your comfort zone, even when it feels intimidating, can lead to incredible growth. Thanks to the supportive environment at Snap, where learning and collaboration are always encouraged, I’ve had the opportunity to become a more well-rounded data professional.

Winning Entries 

It’s clear how well visuals and data can work together to tell a story – the challenge was to explore LGBTQ+ inclusivity on a global scale. The map and color-coded indexes make it easy to see key insights, while the filters and trend chart add depth and interactivity. It’s a reminder that thoughtful design can make complex data feel accessible and engaging. 

The aim was to produce a guide to students that highlights some of the most important factors when deciding where to move abroad. This dashboard is straightforward and visually appealing, with key numbers front and centre for quick takeaways. The map gives context to the country, while the flag and icons add a personal touch. The use of comparisons to global averages makes it easy to spot where Hungary stands out, and the language difficulty gauge is a nice, unexpected addition. It’s a well-balanced mix of practical info and engaging visuals. 

50/50 Vision: Working Toward a Gender Balanced Workforce 

“Seeing is believing” is an expression used to emphasise that people are more likely to believe something when they see it with their own eyes. This expression can be applied to various situations, but I will apply this expression to the representation of Women in STEM.  

“I wish I had more awareness of my female predecessors prior to entering college. I stumbled into this field.”

Shannon Loftis, Former VP of Microsoft Xbox Games Studios

We’re fortunate to live in a time where events like Women In Technology, Women in Data and Women of Silicon Roundabout serve as significant platforms for women in the technology sector to share their insights. These events, accessible both online and in-person, attract attendees from diverse backgrounds, countries, ethnicities, and expertise levels. I recently attended Big Data London, where I had the opportunity to connect with women from diverse backgrounds, each at different stages in their tech careers. Engaging with so many talented women and participating in diversity and inclusion seminars was an eye-opener—it made me realise that there are far more of us in the field than I had initially imagined. Events like Data Science Festival and Big Data London not only foster a sense of community but also offer students and recent graduates’ invaluable insights and guidance from experienced professionals. Seeing others who resemble themselves and have encountered similar challenges helps boost their confidence and in other cases alleviate impostor syndrome. Drawing inspiration from their stories empowers women to assert themselves and pave the way for future generations. 

“I am so proud to see Minecraft: Education Edition engaging both boys and girls and teaching STEM subjects like coding and Chemistry in a wildly different way than they’ve been taught in the past 25 years.”

Deirdre Quarnstrom, VP of Microsoft Education

Notions suggesting that girls are less intelligent than boys or that it’s uncommon for girls to pursue STEM subjects have long persisted. From primary school through to university, some girls have grappled with the notion of being an outlier in their classes. While there has been notable improvement in gender balance, disparities still exist. However, the efforts of organizations like Girls Who Code, aimed at narrowing the gender gap by empowering girls to defy stereotypes, are significant. Guided by values of Bravery, Sisterhood, and Activism, they’ve garnered 14.6 billion engagements globally. Their initiatives, including summer immersion programmes, in-person classes, and clubs, have spurred 580,000 girls, women, and non-binary individuals to embark on their coding journeys, with 50% coming from underrepresented groups. This year, a dedicated group from Snap Analytics took on the Three Peaks Challenge, raising funds to support Hayesfield Girls’ School in upgrading their IT suite. Looking ahead, Snap plans to engage further by hosting sessions with the students, aiming to inspire and encourage them to explore careers in STEM. These sessions will also provide valuable insights into what it’s like to be a woman in tech, empowering the next generation of female leaders in the industry. 

“Young girls are digital natives with the creativity and confidence to use STEM to drive positive change, yet we are failing to keep them engaged and excited about the possibilities.”

Mary Snapp, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Microsoft Corporate External & Legal Affairs

In 2019, the UK Department of Education reported a 25% increase in the number of women accepted onto full-time STEM undergraduate courses since 2010, with women constituting 54% of UK STEM postgraduates (Department of Education, 2019). Despite this progress, women continue to face challenges in applying for and securing STEM-related jobs. Research indicates that women occupy only 22% of all tech roles across European companies. Furthermore, a 2022 analysis by McKinsey revealed a projected tech talent gap of 1.4 million to 3.9 million people by 2027 in 27 EU countries (McKinsey Digital, 2023). While Google achieved its Racial Equity Commitment of increasing leadership representation of Black+, Latinx+, and Native American+ employees by 30% (Blumberg et al., 2023), achieving fair representation in the tech industry remains a distant goal. Despite these advancements, there is still a considerable journey ahead to achieve equitable representation for women and underrepresented groups. Employee retention goes beyond financial compensation, company culture plays a major role in this. One of the females at Snap commented “At Snap I feel like I am making a difference and that I am part of a team. There is not one day where I feel like I don’t have people to go to when I am struggling, but more importantly there are always people to support you and cheer for you when you are succeeding. I am constantly learning by observing the people around me and they inspire me everyday.” 

“I think we need to mentor young girls and women to help show them what they can achieve with technology – not just what technology is, but what they can create with technology.”

Bonnie Ross, Corporate Vice President at Microsoft, Head of 343 Industries, Halo

Starting from a young age, parents can enrol their children in clubs, similar to those offered by Girls Who Code, to cultivate an early interest in technology. Teachers play a crucial role by intentionally sparking young girls’ interest in subjects like maths, physics, and chemistry. Furthermore, encouraging collaboration between young boys and girls fosters a comfortable environment for future teamwork. As they progress to high school and university, attending events like Women In Technology and Women in Data offers opportunities to connect with peers and seek mentorship from experienced women. Mentorship experiences often inspire recipients to pay it forward, creating a cycle of support for future generations of women. The goal is to empower young women to envision themselves succeeding in the tech industry by interacting with those who are currently in those positions. 


Choney, S.(2019, March 13). Why do girls lose interest in STEM? Microsoft. Why do girls lose interest in STEM? New research has some answers — and what we can do about it – Stories (microsoft.com) 

Girls Who Code. (n.d.). We’re on a mission to close the gender gap in tech. Girls Who Code | About Us 

Department of Education. (2019). Minister calls to dispel girls’ misconception of STEM subjects. GOV.UK. Minister calls to dispel girls’ misconceptions of STEM subjects – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

Blumberg, S., Krawina, M., Makela, E., & Soller, H. (2029, January 24). Women in tech: The best bet to solve Europe’s talent shortage. McKinsey Digital. Women in tech in Europe | McKinsey 

Google. (2023). Strengthening our culture of respect for all. Diversity Annual Report – Google Diversity Equity & Inclusion (about.google)  

Mind the Gap: 4 key actions data engineers can do to help bridge the digital divide

Digital exclusion is a pressing concern. According to the UK Government in its report on the Data Skills Gap, between 2019 and 2022, approximately 46% of businesses struggled to recruit for roles that required basic data skills. Moreover, about 25% of businesses reported a lack of data skills in machine learning, 22% in programming, 23% in knowledge of emerging technologies and solutions, and 22% in advanced statistics within their sectors. It is estimated that by 2030, UK will face its largest skills gap in basic digital abilities. AI has gained significant popularity over time, however, without targeted action, the growing use of AI will widen the divide between marginalized communities and those who are digitally connected. While regulatory bodies will lead most of the targeted actions, data engineers can also contribute significantly by actioning small changes to ensure everyone has access to the benefits of the AI experience. In this article we will look at what ‘digital exclusion’ means, and how simple changes in data engineering practices can make a difference.

The integration of AI has emerged as a game-changer, enabling businesses to personalize strategies, optimize processes, and enhance customer experiences. AI-driven analytics has revolutionized how companies connect with their target audience. However, concerns remain regarding digital exclusion, which can present itself in the form of the digital divide or algorithmic bias. As data engineers, it’s essential to recognize these challenges and proactively address the risks, ensuring that AI’s transformative potential benefits all users equitably. Later, I’ll present 4 actions data engineers can employ to mitigate the impact of algorithmic bias to help bridge this digital divide.

Digital divide

The digital divide describes the gap between people who have easy access to computers, phones or the internet compared to those who do not. Factors such as access barriers therefore play a major role in the increase of the gap. Access barriers can be described as obstacles that prevent people from using or benefiting from technology. These can include high costs, lack of infrastructure, limited digital literacy, and restrictive policies that prevent access to devices, internet, and digital services.  In 2023, the House of Lords Communication and Digital Committee highlighted that digital exclusion remains a critical issue, with basic digital skills projected to be the UK’s most significant skills gap by 2030. The committee noted that the cost-of-living crisis has worsened the situation, making it even harder for people to afford internet access (Tudor, 2024(1)).

Algorithmic biases

Algorithmic bias refers to the discriminatory treatment which may stem from biases embedded within algorithms. As a result, disadvantages or advantages may be offered to certain groups of people. This bias appears in various forms, such as race, gender, ethnicity, age, or socioeconomic status. Furthermore, algorithmic biases can make unfair situations worse by leaving out some groups or reinforcing stereotypes as a result of skewed user demographics, leading to inaccurate consumer profiling and discriminatory targeting.

What you can do

Navigating these challenges requires proactive measures to mitigate biases. Data engineers can carefully scrutinize AI algorithms and implement transparent data practices. These include employing bias detection and mitigation algorithms, ensuring diverse and inclusive data collection and model development processes, and enhancing transparency and accountability in AI development and deployment. Scoring datasets is one method that can be used to achieve this. When it comes to scoring datasets on diversity properties, the goal is to assess how diverse the data is in terms of representation across different demographic groups or attributes. 4 key actions to follow to score these datasets include:

  1. Defining diversity metrics – Identify relevant key diversity dimensions or attributes relevant.
  2. Quantifying diversity – This could involve calculating representation percentages.
  3. Set thresholds or Benchmarks – Base these on organisational goals, industry standards, or regulatory requirements.
  4. Score Diversity – For example, a dataset with balanced representation across different demographic groups would receive a higher diversity score.

Alternatively, data engineers can conduct representation analysis paired with the fairness analysis to assess if different demographic groups are represented equally in both the data and the outcomes produced by the algorithm. Initially a baseline comparison of the data using preferred demographics can be conducted. Following this, a fairness metrics such as demographic parity, equal opportunity, and disparate impact to evaluate how the algorithm treats different groups can be assessed. From the results the appropriate adjustments can be made to ensure greater representation.

Snap Analytics have progressed from a start up to a scale up. While diversity is a priority, formal measurement of diversity have only recently been implemented. By leveraging HR platforms and applicant tracking systems, valuable insights are being gathered. Snap’s approach includes 2 of the 4 key steps: (1) Defining diversity metrics and (3) Setting thresholds or benchmarks. Gender has been identified as the key diversity dimension, with the organization striving towards a 50/50 gender balance. However, as the company grows, they plan to expand the range of diversity metrics. Currently, diversity is measured through the following methods:

  • Diversity of candidates applying for roles at Snap.
  • Diversity within the organisation, across the different levels.
  • Job Satisfaction.
  • Employee retention.
  • Employee engagement.
  • When someone leaves, an exit interview is conducted with a follow up survey focusing on inclusivity, culture and diversity.

Businesses must prioritize diverse and representative datasets to mitigate inherent biases and provide users with the best experience possible. Additional ways to mitigate digital exclusion include implementing rigorous testing, and validation procedures can help identify and rectify any biases present in AI algorithms. Training and monitoring on ethical awareness among team members is also considered crucial, ensuring responsible deployment of AI technologies. Furthermore, ongoing monitoring and adjustment of AI systems are essential to address emerging biases and uphold ethical standards.

Policy makers have recently presented the EU AI Act which outlines regulations that ensure ethical AI usage, protect consumer privacy, and promote transparency. However, the gap between well connected and poor connected will not close if we leave it to government legislation alone. Socially responsible enterprises must develop and demonstrate plans to reach marginalized communities, using algorithms and datasets that avoid favouring majority groups. Data engineers can take the initiative by employing diversity metrics or representation analysis paired with the fairness analysis to identify unequal outcomes across different groups.


(1) Tudor, S. (2024, January 30). Digital exclusion in the UK: Communications and Digital Committee report. UK Parliament. Digital exclusion in the UK: Communications and Digital Committee report – House of Lords Library (parliament.uk)

GOV.UK. (2021, May 18). Quantifying the UK Data Skills Gap – Full report. Quantifying the UK Data Skills Gap – Full report – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

SAP licence constraints – explainer

Ever wondered how you can get data out of SAP without violating the license agreement? You’re not alone. Most organisations planning to move SAP data up to a Cloud Data Platform are struggling with that very question. Here is a little explainer which hopefully helps you understand what you can or cannot do. But first:

The terms and conditions of your contract with SAP are agreed between your company and SAP. I don’t know the specifics of your contract, nor am I able to provide legal advice. This article is based on my observation and interpretation. When you are planning to take data out of SAP, I recommend you consult with your SAP account manager and your legal team to ensure you comply with the terms and conditions of the contract.
Enterprise license vs Runtime license

You might have heard that for certain extraction methods an ‘enterprise license’ is required. This is to do with how the database on which the SAP system runs is licensed. When you run an SAP system, you have to install a database system first. SAP ERP can run on a variety of database systems (Oracle, IBM, MS SQL Server, and so on, as well as SAP HANA (the database). The SAP S/4HANA ERP system only runs on SAP HANA. The license restriction applies regardless of what database system you run the SAP ERP application on.

Runtime license

You can purchase a runtime license for the database with your SAP ERP license. The runtime license allows you to run SAP ERP, but nothing else. The SAP application is the only direct user of the underlying database. All other users and usage is managed through the SAP application. Having a runtime license means you cannot create tables directly in the database, but you can create tables in the SAP application (which in turn results in a table creation in the database, with the SAP system as owner). The license agreement does not let you create stored procedures or extraction programs in the database directly. You are also not allowed to read the database directly, or extract data from the database directly or extract data from the database log tables, without going through the SAP application.

Enterprise license

An enterprise license gives you unlimited rights on the database. You can create your own tables and applications on the database as well as running the SAP application. In this case, you are allowed to extract data from tables directly, either by using a 3rd party application which connects to the database or by creating your own extraction processes. An enterprise license will be significantly more expensive than a runtime license. If your company does not have an enterprise license and you want to take data out of SAP, you need to find a way to go through the application layer, instead of the database layer.

Using standard SAP interfaces

SAP has APIs and OData services for getting data out of SAP. Most of these are designed for operational purposes. For example: Give me the address of customer abc. Or: update the price of material abc. These are not really suitable for data extraction. The exception to this are the function modules related to the ODP framework: They can be consumed through OData, and this is still allowed by SAP. You can find more information on using OData for data extraction through ODP here.

Note that it is not permitted to use the ODP function modules through an RFC connection.
Please refer to this blog for more info on that .

There is a standard function module which can be used through RFC, which is the RFC_READ_TABLE or even better, one of the successors of that function module. (RFC_READ_TABLE can’t handle wide tables). Which versions are available depend on your system version, so best to search for it on the SAP system itself. I have the fewest problems with /BODS/RFC_READ_TABLE2. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to build a data warehouse solution based on this extraction method, not least because I am pretty sure SAP have specified somewhere that these FMs are meant for internal use, and might be changed at any time. I wouldn’t be surprised if SAP announces it will forbid the use of these function module in a similar fashion as the ODP function modules.

Third party applications

Third party applications can either use the APIs (Function Modules) mentioned above or create their own application logic to get data out of SAP. If they are using the standard function modules then the same restrictions apply. This means ODP extraction through RFC is not allowed – even if this process is managed by a 3rd party application.

Applications which implement their own interfaces on the SAP system are ‘safe’ – at least for the time being. The small downside of this approach is that you need to implement a piece of code (delivered by the application vendor) in each SAP system you want to connect to. The upside is that the end-to-end process is more robust, better performing and easier to maintain than solutions built on the SAP standard APIs.

Be mindful of third party applications which read the database log or otherwise connect directly to the database layer: You will need an Enterprise license for this, using a 3rd party application does not make a difference from a licensing perspective.

SAP Datasphere

And then there is SAP. SAP Datasphere is perfectly capable of getting data out of SAP, and onto the cloud data platform of your choice. If this would be the only use case you have for SAP Datasphere, then I would imagine this is a very pricy solution. Still, I wanted to make sure I cover all the options.

Great expectations – SAP’s announcements for DataSphere at Sapphire

The data & analytics community is anticipating some big announcements about SAP DataSphere at Sapphire (to be held in Orlande, 3-5 June 2024). This year could be the ‘coming of age’ year for SAP DataSphere, as it has shaken off some of the teething problems and starts to become a truly enterprise- grade data platform as a service. I don’t think SAP DataSphere will become as flexible and open to 3rd party applications as the main competitors (Snowflake, Azure, AWS, Google Cloud) but it could still support a wide variety of use cases and I can easily see it would do the job just fine for many customers. Surprisingly, SAP DataSphere seems to become the easiest way to get data out of SAP and onto the cloud platform of your choice so even if you are running your data platform outside of SAP, you still might consider SAP DataSphere as part of your landscape.  

Whatever your opinion is of the current state of SAP DataSphere, it will be interesting to see which of the features SAP promised during previous announcements are now becoming ‘generally available’ and what other carrots SAP will dangle in front of us. In this article I will go through a hand-picked selection of features, existing or announced, and the improvements I hope to see released in the not-too-distant future.

What is SAP DataSphere?

If or when SAP DataSphere delivers on all its promises, it will be the most complete ‘all in one’ data platform money can buy. Features include business- and data modelling, ETL- and real-time replication capabilities, Cloud data platform administration, data protection and data governance and, if used in conjunction with SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), analytics and planning capabilities as well as a range of advanced analytics features (predictive, scenario planning, natural language processing). Many features across the platform benefit from AI integration, speeding up development time and giving business users a better experience.  

All the features above are already available in SAP DataSphere, but they vary in maturity from ‘embryonic’ to ‘enterprise grade’. Here lies the challenge for customers: They first need to define which features are business critical to them and then find out if SAP is serious about this feature, or if they are just trialling something new which they might drop again in a future release. 

Killer feature #1: Deeply integrated planning capabilities 

SAC is still the only BI application I know of with integrated planning capabilities. This astonishes me, as it is extremely useful. I had expected the competition to have caught up with this by now. Many enterprises still run separate BI and planning applications, with tedious processes to keep datasets in sync between the different applications (read: Excel). I’m not a planning expert but my understanding is that SAC planning is now widely adopted, well received, and feature rich. The new features SAP announced last March for simulation (SAC Compass) will no doubt please the planning/predictive specialist musers. I hope SAP have managed to blur the lines between SAC and SAP DataSphere, so users have a truly seamless experience, making it easy to pull in any datsets from DataSphere into SAC and writing planning versions, generated predictive outputs and simulations to DataSphere.  

Killer feature 2: Change Data Capture (CDC) and Kafka data streaming 

Business users have finally lost patience with the data engineering world and demand data on the data platform in real time. That is regardless of whether there is a business case which would require data in real time. Real time data integration at scale is still costly and complex, and when cost estimates are shared these demands are often dropped.  

SAP DataSphere does support data streaming with Kafka. Kafka is an open standard and widely used for data streaming so it is great to see SAP embracing an open standard instead of trying to push its own standards.  

CDC goes hand-in-hand with data streaming: They are two different concepts, sometimes confused, and each is testimony of clever engineering. The magic happens when you combine the two. This allows you to keep very large and complex data systems in sync in real time. SAP DataSphere provides some great features to capture data changes from any table in S/4HANA – even those which don’t have a timestamp or a sequenced index.  

I have not yet been able to try out CDC and Kafka integration in anger. I do know that SAP is using database triggers to underpin CDC, which does put some concerns in my mind. Using change log replication is much more efficient at handling very large volumes of changes. Having said that, for many use cases, CDC based on database triggers will work just fine. I do hope though SAP will put change log replication on the roadmap.

Killer feature 3: AI Co-pilot – although I am slightly confused 

SAP offers a Natural Query Language (NQL). interface in SAC under the name ‘Just Ask’ It is also rolling out its AI Co-pilot ‘Joule’. This Co-pilot is generally available in SuccessFactors and recenly also in DataSphere and SAC and will soon be rolled out across more SAP products. Why do we need two? My understanding is that Joule does do a lot more than ‘just’ NQL. So maybe Just Ask will be phased out when Joule has matured? 
Apparantely Joule can utilise knowledge graphs created or generated in SAP DataSphere. Knowledge graphs provide better context for AI, so it improves the answers and suggestions (or so I’ve been told). The knowledge graphs look cool in the preview demos. I don’t need a crystal ball to predict that AI & Co-pilot features will be amongst the biggest announcements this Sapphire. I hope SAP comes up with a consistent approach to AI instead of having multiple disconnected point solutions throughout the data platform features.  

Keeping track of the SAP roadmap  

For those lucky enough to join the live event in Orlando it will be a fantastic opportunity to experience some of the DataSphere innovations firsthand. Like many others, I will have to watch from the sidelines and join the virtual Sapphire experience. There is an overwhelming number of sessions on SAC and DataSphere on offer (both virtually and in person) so I hope you can enjoy at least some of them. Once the event gets on its way, I’m sure many more blog posts will follow to share the latest and greatest. I am interested to see what other people have on their wishlist for SAC / SAP DataSphere so plesae leave a comment. Once the event is over, we can look back and see whos wishes have been fulfilled!  

SAP’s cynical move to keep control of your enterprise data (aka note 3255746)

SAP has rocked the boat. They have issued an SAP note (3255746), declaring a popular method for moving data from SAP into analytics platforms out of bounds for customers. Customers and software vendors are concerned. They have to ensure they operate within the terms & conditions of the license agreement with SAP. It seems unfair that SAP unilaterally changes these Ts and Cs after organisations have purchased their product. I will refrain from giving legal advice but my understanding is that SAP notes are not legally binding. I imagine the legal teams will have a field day trying to work this all out. In this article I will explain the context and consequences of this SAP note. I will also get my crystal ball out and try and predict SAPs next move, as well as giving you some further considerations which perhaps help you decide how to move forward.

What exactly have SAP done this time?

SAP first published note 3255746 in 2022. In the note, SAP explained that 3rd parties (customers, product vendors) could use SAP APIs for the Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) framework but these APIs were not supported. The APIs were meant for internal use. As such, SAP reserved the right to change the behaviour and/or remove these APIs altogether. Recently, SAP have updated the note (version 4). Out of the blue, SAP declared it is no longer permitted to use the APIs for ODP. For good measure, SAP threatens to restrict and audit the unpermitted use of this feature. With a history of court cases decided in SAPs favour over license breaches, it is no wonder that customers and software vendors get a bit nervous. So, let’s look at the wider context. What is this ODP framework and what does it actually mean for customers and product vendors?

SAP ODP – making the job of getting data out of SAP somewhat less painful

Getting data out of SAP is never easy, but ODP offered very useful features to take away some of the burden. It enabled external data consumers to subscribe to datasets. Instead of receiving difficult to decipher raw data, these data sets would contain data which was already modelled for analytical consumption. Moreover, the ODP framework supports ‘delta enabled’ data sets, which significantly reduces the volumes of data to refresh on a day-to-day basis. When the ODP framework was released (around 2011(1)), 3rd party data integration platforms were quick to provide a designated SAP ODP connector. Vendors like Informatica, Talend, Theobald and Qlik have had an ODP connector for many years. Recently Azure Data Factory and Matillion released their connector as well. SAP also offered a connection to the ODP framework through the open data protocol OData. This means you can easily build your own interface if the platform of your choice does not have an ODP plug-in.

One can imagine that software vendors are not best pleased with SAP’s decision to no longer permit the use of the ODP framework by 3rd parties. Although all platforms mentioned above have other types of SAP connectors(2), the ODP connector has been the go-to solution for many years. The fact that this solution was not officially supported by SAP has never really scared the software vendors. ODP was and remains to be deeply integrated in SAP’s own technology stack and the chances that SAP will change the architecture in current product versions are next to zero.

Predicting SAP’s next move

You might wonder why SAP is doing this? Well, in recent years, customers have voted with their feet and moved SAP data to more modern, flexible and open data & analytics platforms. There is no lack of competition. AWS, Google, Microsoft, Snowflake and a handful of other contenders all offer cost effective data platforms, with limitless scalability. On these data platforms, you are free to use the data and analytics tools of your choice, or take the data out to wherever you please without additional costs. SAP also has a data & analytics platform but this is well behind the curve. There are two SAP products to consider, SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) and SAP DataSphere.
The first is a planning and analytics toolset for business users and was introduced in 2015. For a long time, it was largely ignored. In recent years, it has come to maturity and should now be considered a serious contender to PowerBI, Tableau, Qlik and so on. I’m not going to do a full-blown comparison here but the fact that SAC has integrated planning capabilities is a killer feature.
SAP DataSphere is a different story. It is relatively new (introduced as SAP Data Warehouse Cloud in 2020) – and seasoned SAP professionals know what to do with new products: If you’re curious you can do a PoC or innovation project. If not, or you don’t have the time or means for this kind of experimenting, you just sit and wait until the problems are flushed out. SAP DataSphere is likely to suffer from teething problems for a bit longer, and it will take time before it is as feature-rich as the main competitor data platforms. One of the critical features which was missing until very recently was the ability to offload data to cloud storage (S3/Blob/buckets, depending on your cloud provider). That feature was added in Feb 2024. Around the same time as when SAP decided that 3rd parties could no longer use the ODP interface to achieve exactly the same. Coincidence?

So where is SAP going with this? Clearly they want all their customers to embrace SAP DataSphere. SAP charges for storage and compute so of course they try and contain as many workloads and as much data as they can on their platform. This is not different from the other platform providers. What is different is that SAP deliberately puts up barriers to take the data out, where other providers let you take your data wherever you want. SAP’s competitors know they offer a great service at a very competitive price. It seems SAP doesn’t want to compete on price or service, but chooses to put up a legal barrier to keep the customer’s data on their platform.

SAP Certification for 3rd party ETL tools no longer available

Blocking the use of ODP by 3rd party applications is only the beginning. SAP has already announced it will no longer certify 3rd party ETL tools for the SAP platform(3). The out-and-out SAP specialists have invested heavily in creating bolt-on features on the SAP platform to replicate large SAP data sets efficiently, often in near real-time. The likes of Fivetran, SNP Glue and Theobald have all introduced their own innovative (proprietary) code purely for this function. SAP used to certify this code, but has now stopped doing so. Again, the legal position is unclear and perhaps SAP will do a complete u-turn on this, but for now it leaves these vendors wondering what the future will be for their SAP data integration products.

What do you need to do if you use ODP now through a 3rd party application?

My advice is to start with involving your legal team. In my opinion an SAP note is not legally binding like terms & conditions are, but I appreciate my opinion in legal matters doesn’t count for much.
If you are planning to stay on your current product version for the foreseeable future and you have no contract negotiations with SAP coming up then you can carry on as normal. When you are planning to move to a new product version though, or if your contract with SAP is up for renewal, it would be good to familiarise yourself with alternatives.

As I mentioned before, most 3rd party products have multiple ways of connecting to SAP, so it would be good to understand what the impact is if you had to start using a different method.
It also makes sense to stay up-to-date with the SAP DataSphere roadmap. When I put my rose-tinted glasses on, I can see a future where SAP provides an easy way to replicate SAP data to the cloud storage of your choice, in near-real time, in a cost effective way. Most customers wouldn’t mind paying a reasonable price for this. I expect SAP and its customers might have a very different expectation of what that reasonable price is but until the solution is there, there is no point speculating. If you are looking for some inspiration to find the best way forward for you, come talk to Snap Analytics. Getting data out of SAP is our core business and I am sure we can help you find a futureproof, cost effective way for you.

Footnotes and references

(1) – The ODP framework version 1.0 was released around 2011, specifically with SAP NetWeaver 7.0 SPS24,  7.01 SPS 09, 7.02 SPS 08. The current version of ODP is 2.0, which was released in 2014 with SAP Netweaver 7.3 SPS 08, 7.31 SPS 05, 7.4 SPS 02. See notes 1521883 and 1931427 respectively.

(2) – Other types of SAP connections: One of my previous blog posts discusses the various ways of getting data out of SAP in some detail: Need to get data out of SAP and into your cloud data platform? Here are your options

(3) – Further restrictions for partners on providing solutions to get data out of SAP, see this article: Guidance for Partners on certifying their data integration offerings with SAP Solutions